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I hope you understand the use of the weapon?" "Not particularly," Lovel replied. "I am sorry for that M'Intyre is said to be a marksman." "I am sorry for it also," said Lovel, "both for his sake and my own: I must then, in self-defence, take my aim as well as I can." "Well," added Taffril, "I will have our surgeon's mate on the field a good clever young fellow at caulking a shot-hole.

Some say it was out o' compliment to Lieutenant Taffril, for it's neist to certain that he'll marry Jenny Caxon, some say it's to please your honour and Monkbarns that wear wigs and some say there's some auld story about a periwig that ane o' the bailies got and neer paid for Onyway, there he is, sitting cockit up like a skart upon the tap o' the craig, to skirl when foul weather comes."

Keep the siller, lad yell hae need o't, I'se warrant ye, and I hae nane my claes is nae great things, and I get a blue gown every year, and as mony siller groats as the king, God bless him, is years auld you and I serve the same master, ye ken, Captain Taffril; there's rigging provided for and my meat and drink I get for the asking in my rounds, or, at an orra time, I can gang a day without it, for I make it a rule never to pay for nane; so that a' the siller I need is just to buy tobacco and sneeshin, and maybe a dram at a time in a cauld day, though I am nae dram-drinker to be a gaberlunzie; sae take back your gowd, and just gie me a lily-white shilling."

The monkey was hanging by the tail from the dolphin striker, admiring what John Crow called "his own dam ogly face in the water." "Tail like yours would be good ting for a sailor, jackoo, it would leave his two hands free aloft more use, more hornament, too, I'm sure, den de piece of greasy junk dat hangs from de Captain's taffril.

Have you heard anything of Taffril and his vessel?"

I hope you understand the use of the weapon?" "Not particularly," Lovel replied. "I am sorry for that M'Intyre is said to be a marksman." "I am sorry for it also," said Lovel, "both for his sake and my own: I must then, in self-defence, take my aim as well as I can." "Well," added Taffril, "I will have our surgeon's mate on the field a good clever young fellow at caulking a shot-hole.

Shortcake, a little squat personage, strained and stood on tiptoe to have her share of the investigation. "Ay, it's frae him, sure eneugh," said the butcher's lady; "I can read Richard Taffril on the corner, and it's written, like John Thomson's wallet, frae end to end." "Haud it lower down, madam," exclaimed Mrs.

"I did not know you were busy, Sir Arthur; and thought, as Mr. Taffril is a brave man, and from our own country, you would be happy to hear" "Oh, I am happy as happy as possible and, to make you happy too, you shall have some of my good news in return." And he caught up a letter. "It does not signify which I open first they are all to the same tune."

"Nay, my friend, never be ashamed for the matter an affectionate heart may overflow for an instant at the eyes, if the ship were clearing for action; and, depend on it, whatever your injunctions are, Dan Taffril will regard them like the bequest of a dying brother.

Lesley," said Taffril, "old Adam speaks like an oracle. Our friends here were very angry yesterday, and of course very foolish; today they should be cool, or at least we must be so in their behalf. I think the word should be forget and forgive on both sides, that we should all shake hands, fire these foolish crackers in the air, and go home to sup in a body at the Graeme's-Arms."