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His senses returned, and he grasped the situation in an instant. "Gee whiz!" he exclaimed. "Mighty lucky I came to my rabbit snares to-night instead of t'morrer. Y'see, that's Christmas Day, and we don't do no work then." "Lucky for me you came to-night, my boy," Sinclair replied, and then he remembered how he had denounced the day but a short time before.

"T'morrer mornin', Joel!" said Mr. Shrig, taking up the reins; and flicking the horse, away we went at a sharp trot. "Do you propose to stay the night at Tonbridge, Mr. Shrig?" "Vy it's all accordin' to Number Vun, sir. Number Vun set out for Tonbridge but might be goin' further; v'ether 'e does or no, depends on Number Two." "I fear I do not understand you, Mr. Shrig."

"It's awfully good." "Mis' Ban'ster," Aurora was at the door, "Hainy was cuttin' open the chickens f' t'morrer, and she says one of 'em give an awful queer sort of POP !" "Oh, for Heaven's sake!" Martie started kitchenward. John Dryden gave a laugh of purest joy; Aurora was one of his delights. "We always say we're going to read aloud in the evenings," she called back.

'Fifteen thousan' dollars, he said slowly 'not a cent less. The man parleyed a little over the price. 'Don' care t' take any less t'day, said David calmly. 'No harm done. 'How much down? David named the sum. 'An' possession? 'Next week' 'Everything as it stan's? 'Everything as it stan's 'cept the beds an' bedding. 'Here's some money on account, he said. 'We'll close t'morrer?

"If you can conquer that thing, you'll do well. Poor Miss Teeshy!" he added, shaking his head. "What's the matter with her?" Trove inquired. "Kicked in the stummick 'til she dunno where she is," said Tunk, gloomily. He pulled off his boots. "If she don't go lame t'morrer, I'll miss my guess," he added. "She looks a good deal like Deacon Haskins after he had milked the brindle cow."

You couldn't do better. Yer wheel finishes the blockade. Nobody couldn't get by if he tried. That's the Kid! 'Clare if I don't give you another five bucks t'morrer if you carry this thing through. Don't you get cold feet now !" Billy uttered a guttural of contempt in his throat and Pat slid away to hiding once more. The distant bells struck the midnight hour.

Go you'n do likewise. They want a striking example t' keep the West India trade quiet..." He wiped his forehead and moved my water jug of red earth on the dirty deal table under the window, for all the world like a host in front of a guest. "They means you to swing," he said. "They've silenced the Thames Court reporters. Not a noospaper will publish a correct report t'morrer.

I've about made up my mind to take the chuck-wagon to town and stock it with grub, and hit out on roundup t'morrer or next day. I don't see as there's any sense in setting around here waitin' on Luck and lettin' my own work slide. Chavez boys, they started out yest'day, I heard in town.

'Close t'morrer, said David, a little sadness in his tone, as he took the money. It was growing dusk as the man went away. The crickets sang with a loud, accusing, clamour. Slowly we turned and went into the dark house, David whistling under his breath. Elizabeth was resting in her chair. She was humming an old hymn as she rocked. 'Sold the farm, mother, said David.

He came in at our place one evening with a big hook and line from 'down east' the kind of tackle used in salt water. 'What ye goin' t' dew with it? Uncle Eb enquired. 'Ketch thet fish ye talk 5' much about goin' t' put him out o' the way. ''Tain't fair, said Uncle Eb, 'its reedic'lous. Like leading a pup with a log chain. 'Don't care, said Mose, 'I'm goin' t' go fishin t'morrer.