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Carthoris tried to support Thuvia, but himself commenced to slide and slip toward the ever-enlarging aperture. Better to cling to the smooth stone he kicked off his sandals of zitidar hide and with his bare feet braced himself against the sickening tilt, at the same time throwing his arms supportingly about the girl. In her terror her own hands clasped about the man's neck.

And moved by this, as by her pallor, more than his man's words could have told, he gave her his arm and drew her quickly and supportingly away. Mistress Anne did not sleep well that night, having much to distract her mind and keep her awake, as was often in these days the case.

I understand it now," and Alice spoke hurriedly, her fair face coloring with excitement as the truth flashed upon her that she was Golden Hair. Then the bright color faded away, and alarmed at the pallor which succeeded it, Irving Stanley passed his arm supportingly around her, asking if she were faint.

In fact, his emancipation from sentiment inspired the genial mood to tease. Women, having to encounter a male adept at the weapon for the purpose, must be either voluble or supportingly proud to keep the skin from shrinking: which is a commencement of the retrogression; and that has frequently been the beginning of a rout.

He dropped his hands supportingly to Charley's shoulders. Charley nodded, but did not yet look up. His head throbbed sorely. "Water please!" he said. In an instant Jo was beside him again, with a bowl of fresh water at his lips. He drank, drank, drank, until the great bowl was drained to the last drop. "Whew! That was good!" he said, and looked up at Jo with a smile.

I always come out on top. What got to my heart was my boy. I thought he'd gone wrong. And now I know he hasn't." The old charlatan's strong hand fell on his assailant's shoulder, then slipped down supportingly under his arm. "You look pretty shaky," said he with winning solicitude. "Let me take you home in my car. It's waiting outside."

In fact, his emancipation from sentiment inspired the genial mood to tease. Women, having to encounter a male adept at the weapon for the purpose, must be either voluble or supportingly proud to keep the skin from shrinking: which is a commencement of the retrogression; and that has frequently been the beginning of a rout.

"Yes," Carteret put in gently, supportingly. He leaned back, his arms crossed upon his breast, his head carried slightly forward, slightly bent, as he watched the softly sparkling line of surf, marking the edge of the plunging waves upon the sloping shore. Vicarious shame claimed him still.

As seriously as if a god had commanded it, Aurora preserved the silence and immobility requested of her, only making her shoulder as much wider and softer and more comforting as she could by wanting it to be so. When by and by she felt him slip a little as he began to lose himself in sleep, she clasped her hands around him supportingly and held him in place.

But that arm had the strength of a steel bar, and its possessor was the best horseman in a land where all men rode for a living. Inside of ten seconds he was dismounting in safety, still holding the fainting woman with that one clasping arm. As he touched the ground he placed the other arm around her supportingly, her weight for the first time telling on him.