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"A fine preaching has he been at the night," said another "but maybe least said is sunest mended." Opening then the wicket of the main gate, the keepers suffered Butler to depart, who hastened to carry his horror and fear beyond the walls of Edinburgh.

"He was an unco wild lad, nae doobt, but his feyther kenned naething about his pranks, and sae the least said, sunest mended," said the landlord. And thus, by the pranks of his "double," the reputation of the excellent young Marquis of Arondelle suffered among his own people. But a crisis was at hand.

My Drumtochty neighbours would have played an awkward part in a drawing-room, but never have I seen in all my wanderings men and women of truer courtesy or tenderer heart. "It gars ma hert greet tae see him," Mrs. His hair's turned white in a month, and he's awa' tae naething in his claithes. But least said is sunest mended.

"A fine preaching has he been at the night," said another "but maybe least said is sunest mended." Opening then the wicket of the main gate, the keepers suffered Butler to depart, who hastened to carry his horror and fear beyond the walls of Edinburgh.

"Ye haud yer tongue, laddie," she went on; "it's the least ye can efter a' 'at's come an' gane; an' least said's sunest mendit, Gang to yer wark."

Sae that, laying a' this thegither skin for skin, yea all that a man hath, will he give for his life." "And were I to set you at liberty," said the imperious dame, "what name could you give to the drowning of that Saxon dog?" "Uh! uh! hem! hem!" said the Bailie, clearing his throat as well as he could, "I suld study to say as little on that score as might be least said is sunest mended."

But I am of the Lord Lieutenant's opinion for the time, as it becomes a militia officer and a depute-lieutenant and about treason and all that, it's lost time to speak of it least said is sunest mended."

Sae that, laying a' this thegither skin for skin, yea all that a man hath, will he give for his life." "And were I to set you at liberty," said the imperious dame, "what name could you give to the drowning of that Saxon dog?" "Uh! uh! hem! hem!" said the Bailie, clearing his throat as well as he could, "I suld study to say as little on that score as might be least said is sunest mended."

But I am of the Lord Lieutenant's opinion for the time, as it becomes a militia officer and a depute-lieutenant and about treason and all that, it's lost time to speak of it least said is sunest mended."

He gave it Christie, word for word, and even threw in what dramatists call "the business," thus: "Here ye suld greet " "Here ye'll play your hand like a geraffe." "Geraffe? That's a beast, I'm thinking." "Na; it's the thing on the hill that makes signals." "Telegraph, ye fulish goloshen!" "Oo ay, telegraph! Geraffe 's sunest said for a'."