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I give you but a poor description of the owner of these blue eyes, for personal magnetism springs not from one feature or another. He was a young man, perhaps five and twenty as I now know age, woodsman-clad, square-built, sun-reddened. His hair might have been orange in one light and sand-colored in another.

"Honey-bird," she said gently, as she drew the girl to the end of the porch where the wistaria vine, a whispering maple and the crimson rambler shut them in from the eyes of all the world save the spirit of Providence Nob, which brooded down over them in a wisp of cloud across its sun-reddened top, "here's the place and time and heart strength to tell you that your Lord have laid the hand of affliction on you heavy and have tooken back from you the beautiful voice He gave you to use for a time.

He was not without some touch of Western swagger; but it went well with the air of youth to which his boyish laugh and wavy, sun-reddened hair contributed. The men of her station that she knew were of one pattern, indolent, well-bred aristocrats, despisers of trade and of those who indulged in it more than was necessary to live.

An involuntary grunt came from the victim, who turned his head, showing sun-reddened blond skin and unmistakable angry Irish eyes. "What's eatin' yeh?" he snarled. "Get off your foot; you're standin' on it," was Billy's contemptuous reply, emphasized by an increase of thrust.

At this juncture little Fay sidled over to Lassiter. "Has oo a little dirl?" she inquired. "No, lassie," replied the rider. Whatever Fay seemed to be searching for in Lassiter's sun-reddened face and quiet eyes she evidently found. "Oo tan tom to see me," she added, and with that, shyness gave place to friendly curiosity.

His voice and the pallor of his face and the beads of sweat all proclaimed him new to the U. P. R. "Me boy, nothin's shure whin yez are drillin' with the Paddies." Casey was above surprise and beyond disdain. He was a huge, toil- hardened, sun-reddened, hard-drinking soldier of the railroad, a loquacious Irishman whose fixed grin denied him any gravity, a foreman of his gang.

I give you but a poor description of the owner of these blue eyes, for personal magnetism springs not from one feature or another. He was a young man, perhaps five and twenty as I now know age, woodsman-clad, square-built, sun-reddened. His hair might have been orange in one light and sand-colored in another.

And while you're about it, you might as well repeat what she said to you when you said you wouldn't recruit on the Poonga-Poonga coast for twice your screw." Sparrowhawk's sun-reddened face flamed redder, though he tried to pass the situation off by divers laughings and chucklings and face-twistings. "Go on, go on," Sheldon urged; and Munster resumed the narrative.

They reminded me of those charts which they use in Sunday-schools to explain the flight of the Israelites out of Egypt or their wanderings in the Wilderness. Seated on the wooden benches, which have been brought in from a school near by, are a score or more of sun-reddened young Englishmen in khaki.

Tod Barstow handled the reins of the four mules; beside him on the high, rocking seat, sat Longstreet. During his sojourn on the ranch he had acquired a big bright-red bandana handkerchief which now was knotted loosely about his sun-reddened throat; the former crease in his big hat had given place to a tall peak: he wore a pair of leather wrist-cuffs which he had purchased from Barbee.