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Three of these are given daily in the first instance, and the daily dose is increased to five or even seven grains till the standard for the individual patient is arrived at. As the grey powder alone sometimes causes irritation of the bowels, it should be combined with iron, as in the following formula: Hydrarg. c. cret. gr. 1; ferri sulph. exsiccat. gr. 1 or 2.

Why, your pulse is galloping nineteen to the dozen, and your head's as hot as fire. You've been eating too much, you voracious young wolf. It's liver and bile. All right, my fine fellow! Pill hydrarg, to-night, and to-morrow morning a delicious goblet before breakfast sulph mag, tinct sennae, ditto calumba. That will set you right."

I think we had better take his temperature," I said, as I held a clinical thermometer in the shape of a fountain-pen to the rosebud lips of the patient. "103, I think." "Will you wite a pwescwiption?" asked Barbara anxiously. "Certainly, an admirable suggestion, Barbara. Let me see, will this do, do you think?" Brom. Potass. 3 grs. Hydrochl. 5 quarts. Quin. Sulph. 1 pt.

To make that clear to you, I will read you an extract from a book on dispensing which I found in the Dispensary of the Red Cross Hospital at Tadminster: "'The following prescription has become famous in text books: Strychninae Sulph. . . . . . gr.I Potass Bromide . . . . . . . 3vi Aqua ad. . . . . . . . . . . 3viii Fiat Mistura

I sometiems believe he's one of them that can cure by a simple laying-on of hands. He's just the opposite of old Moxon, who'd counteract the effect of the best medicine in the world." "No. 19, Quin. Sulph., grains 16; make four powders, one every three hours," continued "Squills," repeating the directions as he received them, "Spiritus Frumenti, 1 oz., at evening. No. 2 diet.

Sulph. . . . . . . . . . . . grs. xvi. Aqua Destill. . . . . . . . . . . . ounce j Elix. Vitrioli. . . . . . . . . . . quant. suff. Mr. Edgerton has used 18 grains of morphia per diem. His equivalent in Magendie's Solution will be 9 fluid drachms. This amount I divide into three equal doses one to be administered after each meal.

We must exhibit tonics, sir; sulph quin pulv rhei; liquor diachylon. Great improvement, my dear sir. Allow me your tongue." "Don't be a fool, Bob. Tell me, there's a good chap." "Ah! I remember now," cried Mark, excitedly. "Tom Fillot let the poor fellow slide overboard, and Mr Russell and the men were all down with the heat, and then Yes, I recollect now; I went to sleep."