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The seriousness of her straight-browed, grave, grey-blue eyes was still present, but the eyes themselves were, in some indefinable way, deepening, and all the maturity that as yet was withheld from her undeveloped little form looked out from beneath her long lashes. But Laura was veritably regal.

Holymead was extremely beautiful, but it was obvious that she was distressed at the tragedy, for her eyes were full of tears, and her olive-tinted face was pale. She was about thirty years of age; tall, slim, and graceful. Her beauty was of the Spanish type: straight-browed, lustrous-eyed, and vivid; a clear olive skin, and full, petulant, crimson lips.

It remains with me a vision of turrets and gables, perfect in their Tudor kind, rising upon a gentle level of fields and meadows, with nothing dramatically picturesque in the view from its straight-browed windows.

Through them, beyond them, around and about them, drifted and eddied a horde great as that with which Tamerlane swept down upon Rome, vast as the myriads which Genghis Khan rolled upon the califs men and women and children clothed in tatters, half nude and wholly naked; slant-eyed Chinese, sloe-eyed Malays, islanders black and brown and yellow, fierce-faced warriors of the Solomons with grizzled locks fantastically bedizened; Papuans, feline Javans, Dyaks of hill and shore; hook-nosed Phoenicians, Romans, straight-browed Greeks, and Vikings centuries beyond their lives: scores of the black-haired Murians; white faces of our own Westerners men and women and children drifting, eddying each stamped with that mingled horror and rapture, eyes filled with ecstasy and terror entwined, marked by God and devil in embrace the seal of the Shining One the dead-alive; the lost ones!

Ford, you have intimated that Mr. North isn't an honest man. Do you ask me to believe that Uncle Sidney is his accomplice?" "He is not, knowingly. But he will stand or fall with the man he has made. I should have to ride him down before I could get at North." Her lip curled and the straight-browed little frown came again. "There is no such thing as mercy in business, is there, Mr. Ford?

When he faced about again there was a frown of friendly concern wrinkling between his straight-browed level eyes. "How the devil did you ever come to get mixed up with the Geddis woman, Jimmie?" he demanded. I evaded the direct question. "It is a long story, and some day I may be able to tell you all of it. But I can't do it now.