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She bitterly reproached her husband with the ignominy involved in his submission. Easily moved to new treasons, Hugh became the soul of a league of Poitevin barons formed at Parthenay, which received the adhesion of Henry's seneschal of Gascony, Rostand de Sollers, and even of Alfonse's father-in-law, the depressed Raymond of Toulouse. At Christmas Hugh openly showed his hand.

As they prepared to mount again, Sam said: "Funny Sollers hasn't overtaken us." "Guess can't catch his horse," said St. Paul. They rode forward through the aspen woods, and across the open spaces. Having crossed the widest of these that goes by the name of Little Prairie, Sam began to keep watch ahead for evidences of the camp. Every few minutes he asked St. Paul where it was.

"Come to look over the land before you bring your outfit in, I suppose?" suggested Sollers, the trader. "No, I'm going to stop," said Sam. "How are you going to farm with an axe and a gun?" "I'll build me a shack, and hunt and fish till I have a bit of luck," said Sam. The two exchanged a look which said either this young man was concealing something or he hadn't good sense.

In the cab Charlie Sollers, crushing in his hand the tissue that had brought the news of his brother's death, sat at the throttle. He had no speed orders. They had only told him he had a clear track. Brill Young picked up a trail Sunday morning at Tower W before the special from Medicine Bend reached there. The wrecked express car, which had been set out, had no story to tell.

It was a tremendous and arresting experience for young Sam. He was profoundly affected. From time to time he endeavoured to get the old man to take a little stimulant. Tea was all he had to offer him. Musq'oosis refused it. "I don't see why Sollers doesn't come!" said Sam. "He not comin'," replied Musq'oosis. "I tell St. Paul tell him not come. I only want my friend."

When the boy overtook him, he demanded to know what they had been talking about. "I say to Sollers better bring some pain-killer out of the store," the boy answered readily. "Sollers say all right." Reaching the flat country above at the end of the long pull, they halted for the briefest possible time to eat and let the horses feed.

The new track, laid hastily and only freshly ballasted, was as rough as corduroy, and the lurching of the big diamond stack made the cab topple at every rail joint. But Sollers was not the runner to lose nerve under difficulties and did not lessen the pressure on the pistons.

It was three hours later when McCloud tapped on the door of Smith's room, and in a moment opened it. "Awake, Gordon?" "Sure: come in. What is it?" "The second section of the passenger train Number Three, with the express cars was stopped at Tower W to-night. Oliver Sollers was pulling; he is badly shot up, and one of the messengers was shot all to pieces.

Under a bush beside the trail." "I wish you'd come with us," said Sam. "I'll follow as soon as I can catch a horse." Sam swung himself on his horse and clapped heels to his ribs. St. Paul lingered to tighten girths. Looking over his shoulder, Sam saw him in talk with Sollers. He had an impression that both turned their heads as he looked around.

Sollers, a man of praetorian rank, asked permission of the Senate to establish a market on his property. The delegates of the people of Vicetia opposed it: Tuscilius Nominatus appeared as their counsel, and the hearing was postponed.