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Sun rose E. 3 deg.S. Departed from Balanding, and halted at Balandoo, a walled village about four miles to the East by South. Bought two sheep for one barraloolo. August 4th. Departed from Balandoo. About a mile to the East saw the hill of Sobee bearing N.W. by compass.

There is plenty of corn and rice here on moderate terms; but they have not yet had time to recruit their herds of cattle. July 31st. Rained hard all the morning, and flying showers all day. Halted at Sobee. During the night one of the town's-people attempted to steal one of the soldier's pieces, some of which were standing against a tree close to the tent.

We were all very wet, for it rained almost the whole way; and all very hungry, having tasted nothing since the preceding evening. The town of Sobee has changed its situation three times. It was taken about ten years ago by Daisy, King of Kaarta, with thirteen horsemen and some of his slaves on foot. They carried off five hundred slaves, two hundred of which were women.

We had not halted here above an hour, when three of Isaaco's people and two asses came back; and with their help we arrived at Sobee at seven o'clock. On the road we passed the last of the St. Jago asses, the whole forty having either died or been abandoned on the road at different places.

Arrival at Nummasoolo Obliged to leave five of the sick behind reach Surtaboo Sobee Affray between Isaaco and two soldiers Balanding Balandoo More of the soldiers fall behind Koolihori Greatly annoyed by wolves. July 11th. From Sabooseera, or Mallaboo, we travelled towards the West and North West till noon, when we arrived at Keminoom, or Maniakorro.