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After that time, they were desirous, of their own accord, to have delivered it up to the Portuguese, thereby to free themselves from the tyranny of the Turks. Yet it was not then done, through the fault of a captain called Soarez, who, having no orders to take possession of the town, was so weak a politician as to refuse it when it was offered to the crown of Portugal.

Soarez d'Albergavia and Diogo Mendez, whom Albuquerque had sent as prisoners to Portugal after they had publicly declared themselves his enemies, had succeeded not only in clearing themselves from the accusation brought against them by the viceroy, but in persuading Emmanuel that he wished to constitute an independent duchy of which Goa should be the capital, and they ended by obtaining his disgrace.

They engaged on either side with so much resolution, that the advantage was not seen, till a shot was made from the vessel of John Soarez, and out of the cannon called the camel It took place so justly, that Soora's vessel sunk to rights.

Latin: Cicero, Quintilian, Martianus Capella, Curio Fortunatus, Mario Victorino, Victore, Emporio, Augustino, Ruffinus, Trapezuntius, P. Ramus, L. Vives, Soarez, J. C. Scaliger, Sturm, Strebaeus, Kechermann, Alstedius, N. Caussinus, J. G. Voss, A. Valladero." Whether Farnaby had read the works of these gentlemen through from cover to cover is another matter.

In sailing along this African coast he explored the island of Madagascar or Sam-Lorenzo, which had just been discovered by Soarez, who was in command of eight vessels which Almeida was sending back to Europe; it was not thought advisable to make a settlement upon the island.

Melo sent out a skiff immediately to hail them, being informed that they were Portuguese vessels, one belonging to James Soarez Gallego, and the other to his son Balthazar, who came from the kingdom of Patan, but who took the way of Pegu, without intentions of casting anchor at Malacca, to avoid paying customs.