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Dulcie hadn't ever snowshoed and it wasn't any light matter when her shoes threw her down requiring about three of the huskiest boys to up-end her but she was game and the boys was game and she was soon teaching snowshoeing shoes how to take a joke. And from that on winter sports ruled in Red Gap.

It was a fine, cold, sunny morning when Oo-koo-hoo and I set out upon our hunt, and with every breath we seemed to be drinking aerial champagne that made us fairly tingle with the joy of living for such is the northern air in winter time. As we snowshoed along I felt thankful for the excellent socks with which the old hunter had provided me.

She snowshoed down the hill, a little blindly, for the mist of glad tears brimmed her eyes. Straight into Beresford's arms she went. Safe at last, she began to cry. The soldier petted her, with gentle words of comfort. "It's all right now, little girl. All over with. Your father's here. See! He's coming. We'll not let anything harm you." McRae took the girl into his arms and held her tight.

The storm lightened a bit, before setting in heavier; and there were the caribou just in front of me, standing in a compact mass, the weaker ones in the middle. They had no thought nor fear of me apparently; they showed no sign of anger or uneasiness. Indeed, they barely moved aside as I snowshoed up, in plain sight, without any precaution whatever.

What called him out of town on a hurry-up trip of a few hours?" "Don't know. Do you?" "No, but I'm a good guesser." "Meanin'?" "Bully West. Holed up somewhere out in the woods. A fellow came in this morning and got Whaley, who snowshoed back with him at once." Tom nodded agreement. "Maybeso. Whaley was away five or six hours. That means he probably traveled from eight to ten miles out."

A French voyageur lifted his throat in a peculiar shout that was half a bark. Indians and half-breeds snowshoed down the street beside the sled. At the door of the McRae house stood Angus, his wife, and daughter. "God wi' you haith," the trapper called. Jessie waved a scarf, and Beresford, who had spent the previous evening with her, threw up a hand in gay greeting.

Night would fall soon. He must find her while it was still light enough to follow her tracks. The disasters that might have fallen upon her crowded his mind. A bear might have attacked her. She might be lost or tangled in the swampy muskeg. Perhaps she had accidentally shot herself. As swiftly as he could he snowshoed through the forest, following the plain trail she had left.

When we reached God's Lake, for a while we snowshoed down the centre, until at the parting of our ways we said good-bye, for the Indians were heading directly for Fort Consolation. As I neared Spearhead and came in view of its one and only house, the Free Trader's dogs set up a howl, and Mr. Spear came out to greet me and lead me into the sitting room where I was welcomed by his wife and daughter.

"I snowshoed all the way," was the quiet reply, "and I have come to see Mr. Farrington. Is he in?" "Why certainly. He's in the store. I'll call 'im at once," and Mrs. Farrington bustled off, wondering what in the world brought Nellie on such a morning. As Farrington entered the house a few minutes later, Nellie rose to meet him.

It was too late; I had not the gumption; I was too cold. Now I believe I am fairly well qualified to know when I really feel cold. I have slept out with the thermometer out of sight somewhere down near the bulb; I once snowshoed nine miles; and then overheated from that exertion, drove thirty-five without additional clothing.