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He also knew that now, just before him, Buff Miles was proceeding with the snowplow, cutting a firm, white way, smooth and sparkling for soft treading, momentarily bordered by a feathery flux, that tumbled and heaped and then lay quiet in a glitter of crystals. But his thought went on without these things and without his will. Bruce's baby!

These were mainly spring and winter fishing grounds for large herring. The fish seem to have disappeared from all these grounds at about the same time. John to use a snowplow to cover them where they lay decaying on the beach." This showing, poor as it is when compared with the figures of other years, by no means represents the herring fishery as an unimportant industry.

Or perhaps you'll hire a snowplow to go ahead of it." "No; I told Wampus it was impracticable," was the reply. "We shall load our machine on a flat car and ship it to Albuquerque, which is in New Mexico and almost directly south of Denver. We shall then be over the worst grades of the Rocky Mountains." "And which way do we go then?" inquired Beth. "I have not yet decided.

Sally after sally the snowplow made, only to withdraw to give way to the pick crews, and they in turn, gasping and reeling, hurried out for the attack of the plow again. Men fell grovelling, only to be dragged into the open air and resuscitated, then sent once more into the cruelty of the fight. The hours dragged by like stricken things. Then with dawn the plow churned with lesser impact.

A rotary snowplow slices off two feet of a ten-foot drift at each revolution, and by centrifugal force flings it out of the cutting with a speed that a hundred navvies or dagos cannot equal. A thousand acres of land on Cape Cod were once blown away. This wind excavation was ten feet deep. It was not an extraordinary wind, but extraordinary land.

Medaine Robinette had remained behind in the rough care of the snow crews, while he, revived by steaming coffee and hot food, had been brought down on a smaller snowplow, running constantly, and without extra power, between Tollifer and "the front", that the lines of communication be kept open. "Nameless," he said with an effort, when the lengthy details of certification were asked.

Today, the first of October forty years ago, we drove the snowplow at home. Yes, I regret to say that I remember forty years ago. Nothing escapes my attention yet, but everything moves past me. I sit in the gallery looking on. If Nikolai the carpenter had been observant, he would have seen my fingers closing and opening again, my absurdity augmented by affectation and grimacing.

Houston was at his side. The operator looked up. "Denver asking Marionville if it can put its snowplow through and try to buck the drifts from this side. No answer yet." A long wait. Then: "Well, that's done. Only got one Mallett engine at Marionville. Other two are in the shop. One engine couldn't " He stopped. He bent over the key. His face went white tense. "God!" "What's wrong?"

The people from the different ones visit among each other. Half-way to Granite Canyon the snowplow got off the track and one wheel broke, so a dead standstill for hours. Reached Granite Canyon at dark, a whole day getting there from Sherman, and remained over night. January 5. Bright and beautiful.

It was disappointing to Sprudell nothing like the Western plays at tragic moments; no long handshakes and heart-breaking speeches of farewell from the "rough diamonds." "S' long," said Uncle Bill. He polished a place on the window-pane with his elbow and watched Burt's struggle with the cold and wind and snow begin. "Pure grit, that feller," when, working like a snowplow, Bruce had disappeared.