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Abram also attached the farm horses to the heavy snow-plow, to which he added his weight, and a broad, track-like furrow was made from the house to the road, and then for a mile or more each way upon the street, for the benefit of the neighbors.

"I suppose in Goupert's time this timber was small," observed the guide. The tramping around was beginning to tire them, and soon Sam had to stop to rest and get back his wind. "I feel like a regular snow-plow," he gasped. "Tell you what, it takes the wind right out of a chap." "You rest while we go ahead," suggested Tom, but Sam did not wish to do this. "Not much!

The men knew as well as he that the heavy February snows would block traffic beyond hope of extrication. As it was, several times an especially heavy fall clogged the way. The snow-plow, even with extra teams, could hardly force its path through. Men with shovels helped. Often but a few loads a day, and they small, could be forced to the banks by the utmost exertions of the entire crew.

We had the right-of-track over every other train upon the line, and with six powerful engines pushing a snow-plow at full speed ahead of us, we reached our destination in almost record time, where we were put to work clearing away a serious wreck, which had been caused by a heavy passenger train running into a snow drift during a blinding blizzard, and having at the same time been derailed from the tender back to the rear truck beneath the last sleeper.

Phwat wid two thrips wid th' rackets an' th' dhrag av th' wolf, 'twill not be bad. 'Tis only a mather av twinty minutes to phwere Frinchy'll bether be waitin' wid th' harses." They found LaFranz waiting in fear and trembling. The heavy snow-plow was left in readiness for the morrow's trail-breaking, and the horses hitched to a rough sled and headed for camp.

"There is no knowing, miss; but one of our men is working his way back to the signals. We have not come more than three miles since we left Cleveley. It is only a bit of a drift that the snow-plow will soon clear, and it will be a matter of two or three hours, I dare say; but it has left off snowing now." "Will they telegraph to Cliffe the reason of the delay?" asked Bessie, a little anxiously.

It was not until the great snow-plow and a special locomotive appeared the next morning, and towed the stalled train on to its destination, and Nan Sherwood and her chum arrived at Tillbury, that Nan learned anything more regarding Mr. Ravell Bulson. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood had been more than a little worried by Nan's delay in getting home and Mr.

Ahead a billowy drift which filled a hollow rose level with the wedge-shape framing on the snow-plow front. They run both better plows and more luxurious Colonist cars now. "Will they get through?" I asked a tall man in fur robes with whom I had chatted. "Oh, yes, you just bet they will," he answered cheerfully.

I promised him long ago that I would. I'll run over there to-morrow. Too bad I didn't think of it to-day." But "to-morrow" brought its own deeds to be done, and so did the following two days, and it was Friday afternoon before Marjorie found time for her visit to the little gray house. Ever since Christmas it had snowed at intervals and the snow-plow men had been kept busy clearing the streets.

At last the rotary snow-plow came through, bucking the drifts, sending up a geyser, and the way to the Outside was open again.