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It only takes a half-day to pass the word through a small town, and one fine morning the Payleys and Singers discovered that while they were still facing each other like two snorty and inextinguishable generals, their armies had gone off arm in arm. That ended the feud and put society in Homeburg back in its proper place in the front parlors in the evening after the dishes had been done up.

When finally they made me out, their indignation and amazement and utter incredulity were very funny. In fact, they did not believe in me at all for some few snorty moments. Finally they departed, their absurd tails stiff upright. One afternoon F. and I, hunting along one of the wide grass bottom lands, caught sight of a herd of an especially fine impalla.

When a man sees a file of spear-armed savages, or a pair of snorty old rhinos, step out into what has seemed practically his own back yard home, he is even more startled than if he had encountered them in quite strange surroundings. We rode into the grass meadow and picked camp site. The men trailed in and dumped down their loads in a row. At a signal they set to work.

Our next-door neighbour had a kennel of homesick, discontented, and sleepless puppies of various breeds, that were in the habit of howling all night until Mrs. Bobby expostulated with Mrs. Gooch in my behalf. She told me that she found Mrs. Gooch very snorty, very snorty indeed, because the pups were an 'obby of her 'usbants; whereupon Mrs. Bobby responded that if Mrs.

Jowett's hand was pointing towards the Catholic church, from a window of which smoke was rolling. "There's going to be something to do there. It ain't a false alarm, Snorty." "Well, this engine'll do anything you ask it," rejoined Osterhaut. "When did you have a fire last, Billy?" he shouted to the driver of the engine, as the horses' feet caught the dusty road of Manitou.

The nigger barber, Berry, was one; another was the Jack-of-all-trades, Osterhaut, a kind of municipal odd-man, with the well-known red hair, the face that constantly needed shaving, the blue serge shirt with a scarf for a collar, the suit of canvas in the summer and of Irish frieze in the winter; the pair of hands which were always in his own pocket, never in any one else's; the grey eye, doglike in its mildness, and the long nose which gave him the name of Snorty.

The twelve train has always a cross, snorty look, but the five train" his voice took the fondling note that it held for Peter and Barrie, the cat "that little five train goes much the fastest; he's the hero of the day!" Pamela's engagement to Lewis Elliot had made, what Mrs. M'Cosh called, "a great speak" in Priorsford. On the whole, it was felt that she had done well for herself.

Jowett's hand was pointing towards the Catholic church, from a window of which smoke was rolling. "There's going to be something to do there. It ain't a false alarm, Snorty." "Well, this engine'll do anything you ask it," rejoined Osterhaut. "When did you have a fire last, Billy?" he shouted to the driver of the engine, as the horses' feet caught the dusty road of Manitou.

They only grinned and pressed closer. Curdie bethought himself and began to rhyme. 'Ten, twenty, thirty You're all so very dirty! Twenty, thirty, forty You're all so thick and snorty! 'Thirty, forty, fifty You're all so puff-and-snifty! Forty, fifty, sixty Beast and man so mixty! 'Fifty, sixty, seventy Mixty, maxty, leaventy! Sixty, seventy, eighty All your cheeks so slaty!

I'll tell you, when a snorty old train, which assays two pecks of cinders per car, hauls the most wonderful girl on earth into your town and dumps her into your arms so to speak, and bunching up events a little you're bound to love that train. I could write the history of Homeburg from the 4:11 too. In fact, the train has hauled most of Homeburg into the town.