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Presently a curve in the road brought the house into view, and the sight of its mullioned windows and old grey stone gables brought with it a sudden remembrance of her own dishevelled condition. The disengaged hand darted up to her head to set the cap at the correct angle, and from thence continued a patting, smoothing-out excursion, productive of distinctly smartening results.

Explain 'Two of the first like coats in heraldry, III. ii. 220. 5. Describe the personal appearance of the heroines from the references made. Is Puck or Bottom the presiding genius of this act? Does the jangling between the two women belittle them as heroines, and is it, therefore, a blot upon the beauty of the play? Trace throughout this act the smoothing-out process.

Show how poetically suitable as a stage effect the entry of Theseus and his huntsmen is, shedding the first rays of morning on the night-enchanted lovers. Why is Bottom made to waken last? Perhaps because he helps to denote the prose of broad daylight. Show what relation scene ii. has to the completion of the smoothing-out process. 'I was with Hercules and Cadmus once, IV. i. 126.

In the general smoothing-out process which she was so capably effecting, her attention was about to reach me, when my name was suddenly called out from behind her. It was Beverly Rodgers, that accomplished and inveterate bachelor of fashion.

In case I should be late, don't wait, but just order for yourself, and allow half an hour to get to Paddington. If I'm delayed, I'll go straight there, and look out for you on our platform." "That'll be all right. I'll stay till you come," Cornelia assented. She had already opened the gold chain bag which hung by her side, and was smoothing-out a roll of notes.