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Doesn't it strike you how clumsy and short-sighted you are working always with an inferior machine when you might have a smooth-gliding perfection? Doesn't it strike you how badly you are treating yourself? Listen, you confirmed grumbler, you who make the evening meal hideous with complaints against destiny for it is you I will single out.

Occasionally a smooth-gliding carriage, or a bicyclist flitting by with a Chinese lantern at the head of his machine that was all. As we approached the summit of the hill where the Arc de Triomphe is, a new phenomenon awaited us. The moon rose a lovely azure crescent over the houses, and its faint mild rays were like a benediction upon us.

Hence, to the foot of the cañon, the metamorphic slates give place to granite, whose nobler sculpture calls forth expressions of corresponding beauty from the stream in passing over it, bright trills of rapids, booming notes of falls, solemn hushes of smooth-gliding sheets, all chanting and blending in glorious harmony.

Had I been anxious to gratify false taste with respect to composition, I should doubtless have attended less to the precise meaning of the original, have omitted almost all connective Particles, have divided long periods into a number of short ones, and branched out the strong and deep river of Plato's language into smooth-gliding, shallow, and feeble streams; but as the present work was composed with the hope indeed of benefitting all, but with an eye to the criticism solely of men of elevated souls, I have endeavored not to lose a word of the original; and yet at the same time have attempted to give the translation as much elegance as such verbal accuracy can be supposed capable of admitting.