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I'll take the whole possy sky-hootin' with me when ye come." He was drunk with power suddenly revealed to him. He lifted the sack out of the hole and, paying no heed to some apparent expostulations of Mrs. Luce, he staggered away up the hillside into the beech growth, bowed under his burden.

"Johnny," said he on the morning of the third day, "we've got to find Ned Barstow. Do you s'pose if he knew that I was within fifty miles of him he'd loaf in camp for a week expecting me to run over him? Not much he wouldn't. He'd be sky-hootin' from daylight till dark over the whole country till he lit on me. Mr. Streeter said Charley Tommy couldn't get past Tiger Tail's camp under four days.

While I was looking after them about forty Injuns went past sky-hootin'. I suppose they thought the first lot had all the hosses, and so they didn't stop. The rest of the hosses, luckily, was asleep behind the cottonwoods. You bet I didn't call their attention to myself." He exhibited the greatest satisfaction when he learned that we had accounted for four.

"Well," grumbled the other, "I don't hold with pickin' up tramps in the road, but I'm sick of handin' out good money to them loafers at the dock to unload, an' I ain't got a hired man to take along no more; they're allus lazy, good-for-nothin' fellers that eat more'n they work out, let alone their wages goin' sky-hootin'!"

If they wanted to bother their heads with an alibi, they could say it was top of flood, and they weren't eager to be hung up, just because a brass-buttoned conductor promised 'em a through express in the morning. They could say But what good would explanations do us, huh, if they sent a half million logs sky-hootin' into our bridge? It wouldn't save our construction, would it?"

Thar's thet Ken Douglas o' yourn," watching slyly out of the corner of her eye the flushing face and compressing lips of her auditor "now 'tain't sca'cely six months since he was sky-hootin' around yeah, wishful o' killin' every blessed cowpuncha in this outfit; an' now they ain't ary one o' the pin-headed dogies that ain't a beggin' to be allowed to do his killin' fer him!