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The doctor's theory, that every disease can be cured by the use of the appropriate poison, suggests the aconite and belladonna of the homeopathists and their motto, similia similibus curantur.

'Similia similibus curantur. Even the blindness of love could not fail to discover that when one subtracted vanity, coquetry, and her striking external beauty from Ida Mayhew, but little was left, and that little not a heavenly compound. Those who know her least, and who add to her beauty many ideal perfections, are the ones that rave about her most.

If, as must be admitted, no one of Hahnemann's doctrines is received with tolerable unanimity among his disciples, except the central axiom, Similia similibus curantur; if this axiom itself relies mainly for its support upon the folly and trickery of Hahnemann, what can we think of those who announce themselves ready to relinquish all the accumulated treasures of our art, to trifle with life upon the strength of these fantastic theories?

Had he only known other girls, he might have made a safe recovery, for love's remedy is truly the homeopathic "similia similibus curantur," woman plural being the natural cure for woman singular. As the Russian in the "Last Word" says, "A woman can do anything with a man provided there is no other woman." In Peter's case there was no other woman.

Hahnemann rejected all the teachings of morbid anatomy and pathology as useless in practice, and propounded his famous "similia similibus curantur" that all diseases were to be cured by medicine which in health produced symptoms dynamically similar to the disease under treatment.

Six months! You do not know how I detest the country, partridges, rabbits and all. For heaven's sake, find some other remedy for me. "'There is homoeopathy, said he, smiling. 'Hahnemann is quite the fashion now. "'Let us have homoeopathy! "'You know the principles of the system: 'Similia similibus! If you have fever, redouble it; if you have smallpox, be inoculated with a triple dose.

After this brief discussion of the practical application of homeopathy, let us now ascertain in how far its laws and theories agree with and corroborate the laws and principles of the Nature Cure school. Hahnemann discovered the Law of ~similia similibus curantur ~accidentally, while investigating the effects of quinine on the human organism.

"What's the matter, my lad?" said the Doctor. "Mother wants you to come right over to our house. Father's tumbled off the hay-cart; and when they got him up he didn't know nothing; but they gin him some rum, and that kinder brought him to." "No doubt, no doubt," said the Doctor, rising to go. "Similia similibus curantur. Nothing like hair of the dog that bites you."

Colonel Barclay, the moustachioed horseman, who had spoken the few words to Robert in passing, now remarked that there was an end of the military profession. "I surrender my sword," he said gallantly. Another declared that ladies would now act in lieu of causing an appeal to arms. "Similia similibus, &c.," said Edward. "They can, apparently, cure what they originate." "Ah, the poor sex!" Mrs.

There is "the man of our town," who was unwise enough to destroy the organs of sight by jumping into a bramble-bush, and who came triumphantly out of the experiment, and "scratched them in again," by boldly jumping into another bush, the oldest discoverer on record of the doctrine that similia similibus curantur.