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And this is truth and not clear simely, for the Governor General and Chief Justice have houses up there which they call bungalows, and of course they have got to see what is goin' on. The hull island is only nine milds long and three wide. And here we wuz ten thousand milds from home. Did the Hongkongers ever think on't, that they wuz ten thousand milds from Jonesville?

A row of tall pillers, ten milds in length, line the roads to some of them cities, and I sez: "Oh, good land! How I wish I could be a mouse in the wall and see who and what passed over them roads, and why, and when, and where." And Josiah sez, "Why don't you say you wish you wuz a elephant and could look on? your simely would seem sounder."

Wall, how long she calculated to stay this time we didn't know. But we had our fears and forebodin's about it; for she wuz in the habit of makin' awful long visits. Why, sometimes she would descend right down onto us sudden and onexpected, and stay fourteen weeks right along jest like a famine or a pestilence, or any other simely that you are a mind to bring up that is tuckerin' and stiddy.

Wall, how long she calculated to stay this time we didn't know. But we had our fears and forebodin's about it; for she wuz in the habit of makin' awful long visits. Why, sometimes she would descend right down onto us sudden and onexpected, and stay fourteen weeks right along jest like a famine or a pestilence, or any other simely that you are a mind to bring up that is tuckerin' and stiddy.