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The foremost, a florid, side-whiskered, magnificently soldierly personage, wearing a very fine grey uniform and the stars of a major-general, addressed him. "What are you doing here, thir? Thraggling? Anther me!" Steve saluted. "I ain't the straggling kind, sir. Any man that says I straggle is a liar exceptin' the colonel, and he's mistaken. I'm one of Stonewall's men." "Thtonewall!

He had an uneasy feeling that a whole army of unexpected servants stood between him and Mrs. Vance Carter; that, at any moment, a fat, side-whiskered, expensive butler, like the butlers you see in the movies, would pop up and order him off the grounds. The unsatisfactory chauffeur reappeared.

He was gray-haired, pink-cheeked, curvingly side-whiskered and immaculately gray-clad; and he did not look in the least like a messenger of Fate. The Liberry Teacher was at a highly keyed part of her narrative, and even the most fidgety children were tense and open-mouthed. "'And where art thou now? cried the Stranger to Robin Hood. And Robin roared with laughter.

The one walking on the inside as they passed on, with the right hand of his companion laid on his left arm in that confidential manner so common with intimate friends who wish to walk together in the evening without being jostled apart by hurried chance passengers, was somewhat tall in figure, dark-haired, dark side-whiskered, and sober-faced, though decidedly fine-looking; and in spite of the heat of the weather he preserved the appearance of winter dress clothing by a full suit of dark gray summer stuff that might well have been mistaken for broadcloth.

So accustomed was I to his invariable success that the very possibility of his failing had ceased to enter into my head. It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunken-looking groom, ill-kempt and side-whiskered, with an inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room.

Reilly looked quite cheerful; and Lady O'Gara began to think that the flat side-whiskered face had something very pleasant about it after all. He did not wait for her to make inquiries. "He's doing nicely, m'lady," he said. "He's been awake and asked for your ladyship." "Oh!" she said with a catch of the breath, "you should have called me."

So accustomed was I to his invariable success that the very possibility of his failing had ceased to enter into my head. It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunken-looking groom, ill-kempt and side-whiskered, with an inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room.

Down the gravel walk of the mansion across the road came strolling its owner, silk-hatted, side-whiskered, benignant. "Godfrey!" exclaimed Asaph. "There's Heman. See him, Whit?" "Yup, I see him. Seems to be headin' this way." "I I do believe he's comin' across," whispered Mr. Bangs. "Yes, he is. He's real everyday, Cy. HE won't mind if you ain't dressed up." "Won't he?

Just as the buggy reached the gate in front of the house behind the cedars, a woman was tying a piece of crape upon the door-knob. Pale with apprehension, Tryon sat as if petrified, until a tall, side-whiskered mulatto came down the garden walk to the front gate. "Who's dead?" demanded Tryon hoarsely, scarcely recognizing his own voice.

However, Albert, says she to the side-whiskered man, 'you had better give the girl our usual tip. She looks as if she needed it, poor thing! "Then they paraded out of the room, and I see Susannah sling the half dollar the man had left on the table clear to Jericho, it seemed like. "The auto was waitin' by the piazza steps. The shofer and Butler was standin' by it.