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The boys who had been painted walked about or stood still awkwardly, touching their faces in a gingerly fashion with their furtive fingertips. In the middle of the vestry a young jesuit, who was then on a visit to the college, stood rocking himself rhythmically from the tips of his toes to his heels and back again, his hands thrust well forward into his side-pockets.

Yet there were times, as he waited beside his stand, as lethargic as a lobster in a fish-peddler's window, when his flaccid, exploring fingers dug deeper into one of those capacious side-pockets and there came in contact with two oddly shaped wristlets of polished steel. At such times his intent eyes would film, as the eyes of a caged eagle sometimes do.

A handkerchief, similarly nameless, but of finest cambric. The side-pockets ha, what was this? I drew a piece of paper out in triumph. It was a note a real find the one which the servant had handed to our friend just before at the Senator's. We read it through breathlessly: "DARLING PAUL, I told you it was too dangerous. You should have listened to me.

She had on a robe, I think, but I did not look so low, my attention being chiefly drawn to a sort of man's sack of purple or plum-colored broadcloth, into the side-pockets of which her hands were thrust as she came forward to greet us.

And as Leslie spoke he pulled the trigger of his revolver, and sent a bullet through the man's left arm, shattering the bone above the elbow. For, with the sound of Dick's voice, Turnbull had faced about, and, with a bitter curse, made as though he would plunge his hands into the side-pockets of the pilot jacket that he was wearing.

The doctor arrived at daylight, responding to Plank's summons by telephone, and Plank went away with the morphine and Siward's revolver bulging in the side-pockets of his dinner coat. He did not come again for a week. A short note from Siward started him toward lower Fifth Avenue. There was little said when he came into the room: "Hello, Plank! Glad to see you." "Hello! Are you all right?"

Godfrey stood, still with his back to the fire, uneasily moving his fingers among the contents of his side-pockets, and looking at the floor. That big muscular frame of his held plenty of animal courage, but helped him to no decision when the dangers to be braved were such as could neither be knocked down nor throttled.

He stood still in deference to their calls and parried their banter with easy words. How characterless they looked: Shuley without his deep unbuttoned collar, Ennis without his scarlet belt with the snaky clasp, and Connolly without his Norfolk coat with the flapless side-pockets!

Having thus accoutred himself, he came down-stairs, and, finding his guests in such a sound slumber, he had not the heart to waken them; so he gently took them up, and put one of them in each of the side-pockets of the coat which he wore over his armor.

"You feels the parting, lydy," he began. "Very nat'ral, very. I knows what it is." He extended Jessie, now whining furiously, towards Cuckoo. "Want to sy good-bye, lydy?" he said. Cuckoo shook her head. The old man popped Jessie into one of the capacious side-pockets of his coat and buttoned the flap down. "Mornin', lydy," he said, turning towards the door. Cuckoo made no reply.