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Meanwhile, Ahmed ed Denef, Alaeddin's adopted father, was sitting, making merry with his followers in a garden, when in came one of the water-carriers of the Divan and kissing Ahmed's hand, said to him, 'O Captain, thou sittest at thine ease, with water running at thy feet, and knowest not what has happened. 'What is to do? asked Ahmed, and the other answered, 'They have gone down with thine adopted son, Alaeddin, to the gallows. 'O Hassan Shouman, said Ahmed, 'What sayst thou of this? 'Assuredly, Alaeddin is innocent' replied his lieutenant; 'and this is some enemy's practice against him. Quoth Ahmed, 'What counsellest thou? And Hassan said, 'God willing, we must rescue him. Then he went to the prison and said to the gaoler, 'Give us some one deserving of death. So he gave him one that was likest to Alaeddin and they covered his head and carried him to the place of execution between Ahmed ed Denef and Ali ez Zibec of Cairo.

Presently, he turned to Hassan Shouman and his men and said to them, 'Plead ye for me with Captain Ahmed ed Denef, that he accept me as his son before God. And Ahmed ed Denef assented, saying, 'I and my forty men will go before thee to the Divan every day.

When Aslan heard this, he said in himself, 'Most like this slave-girl was my mother Jessamine and my father was no other than Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat. So he went out from him, sorrowful, and met Ahmed ed Denef, who exclaimed at sight of him, 'Glory be to Him to whom none is like! 'At what dost thou marvel, O my chief? asked Hassan Shouman.

So Alaeddin laid hands on his estate, and the Khalif said to him, 'Bury him in the earth and take all he hath left of wealth and slaves, male and female. Then he shook the handkerchief and dismissed the Divan, whereupon Alaeddin went forth, attended by Ahmed ed Denef, captain of the right hand, and Hassan Shouman, captain of the left hand troop of the Khalif's guard, riding at his either stirrup, each with his forty men.