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"Yes, sir," muttered Burgess; "I brought back some things last night them socks, shirt-pins and studs, and the fob. . . . Yes, sir; I fetched 'em back, I did " A sudden and curious gleam of pride crossed the smirk for an instant; "I guess my gentleman ain't agoing to look no worse than the next Fifth Avenue swell he meets even if he ain't et no devilled kidneys for breakfast and he don't dine on no canvas-back at Delmonico's.

I am afraid that artful young Moss, whose parents dealt in pictures, furniture, gimcracks, and jewellery, victimised Clive sadly with rings and chains, shirt-studs and flaming shirt-pins, and such vanities, which the poor young rogue locked up in his desk generally, only venturing to wear them when he was out of his father's sight or of Mr. Binnie's, whose shrewd eyes watched him very keenly. Mr.

The young are easily domesticated, and soon become attached to those who caress them; but they are troublesome inmates; for, stalking about the house, they will, when full grown, swallow coin, shirt-pins, and every small article of metal within reach. Their usual food, in a wild state, is seeds, herbage, and insects; the flesh is a reddish brown, and if young, not of bad flavour.

Broad-brimmed white hats and Panamas, blue-cotton trousers, light-colored stockings, cambric frills, were all here displayed; while upon shirt-fronts, wristbands, and neckties, upon every finger, even upon the very ears, they wore an assortment of rings, shirt-pins, brooches, and trinkets, of which the value only equaled the execrable taste.