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Pathrick himself couldn't touch him with a shillaly." "And for why?" demanded several Irishmen, truculently, their ire aroused at the invidiousness of the allusion. "Because St. Pathrick, God love him, aint never been counted as ranking alongside of Christ, and this here Garge Washington seems to be of more importance than ayther of thim.

At first it seemed doubtful, however, which would prove victorious; but water, they trusted, had gained the day; for, mingled with the rain came hail, not only ordinary hail, but mixed with lumps half an inch to an inch across. "Och! I'd as soon have a whack from an honest shillaly as be pelted by thim threacherous lumps," cried Dan Maloney.

His proclamation comes down on them like a shillaly in Donnybrook; and if it does not ventilate their skulls, it is because those cranial envelopes are as impervious to physical force as to the gentle influence of reason or patriotism.

"Just be after letting me put me shillaly against one of them," he chuckled. "Ye'll find it over in the woods yonder." After making three fouls, he hit the ball, hoisting it so high into the air that it seemed to dwindle to a quarter of its usual size. Cooper, coming into the diamond, gave no heed to the shouting of the crowd. "I'll take it!" he yelled, as the ball fell swiftly.

Dad used to say that a sense of humor was like a shillaly an iligent thing to have around handy, especially when the joke's on you." The ghost of a twinkle appeared again in the corners of the German blue eyes. Some fiend of rudeness seized me. "Laugh!" I commanded. Dr. Ernst von Gerhard stiffened. "Pardon?" inquired he, as one who is sure that he has misunderstood. "Laugh!" I snapped again.