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Hold yourself back, Michael, for us caan't say nothin' sure till us knaws the truth from Joan." "She've tawld me the truth out a walkin' an' I've shawed her the narrer path. What should you find?" "Money no lil come-by-chance neither; more money than ever you or me seed in our born days afore or shall agin." "You'm dreamin', wummon!" he said.

"Every occasion, an' the gal was right, an' it shawed gude sense in such a dinky maid as her. Nothin' like taaking a cold in gude time. Do 'e catch heat from the fire?" Mrs. Blanchard's eyes were dull, and her breathing a little disordered. Will instantly began to bustle about. He added fuel to the flame, set on a kettle, dragged blankets out of cupboards and piled them upon his mother.

"'Took 'e for 'is awn'! Wheer is he, then? Why be you here?" "He'm comin', I tell 'e. He'm a true man, an' he shawed me what 'tis to love." "Bought you, you damned harlot!" She knew the word was vile, but a shred of John Barron's philosophy supported her. "My awnly sin is I've lied to you, faither; an' you've no right to call me evil names." "Never call me faither no more, lewd slut!

That my father had a lass-bairn o' 's ain shawed mair nor onything the trust your father pat in 'im! Francie, the verra grave wud cast me oot for shame 'at I sud ance hae thoucht o' sic a thing! Man, it wud maist drive yer leddy-mither dementit! 'It's my business' Kirsty, wha I merry! 'And I houp yer grace 'll alloo it's pairt my business wha ye sail not merry and that's me, Francie!

'Michtna she be that are, oot o' a' the warl', ye never shawed spark o' rizzon til? 'There's nae place in her for reason to gang til! 'Ye never tried her wi' 't! Ye wud arguy wi' her mair nor plenty, but did ye ever shaw her rizzon i' yer behaviour? 'Weel ye are turnin agen me you 'at 's saved my life frae her!

"Come to think of it, she hasn't eh?" asked John. "No, that's true enough," admitted Mr. Lyddon. "I speak, though of low position, but well thought of an' at Miller's right hand, so to say," continued Mr. Blee; "so theer 't is: Missy's in a dangerous pass. Eve's flesh be Eve's flesh, whether hid under flannel or silk, or shawed mother-naked to the sun after the manner of furrin cannibals.

"Was theer anything else as shawed anything 'bout en?" "No awnly a picksher of a ship he painted for her. I burned that tu; an' I'd a burned his money if I could. He painted her I knaw that much. She tawld us wan night a gert picksher near as large as life. He took it to Lunnon for a shaw, I s'pose." "I'd think of en no more if I was you, Joe," said Uncle Chirgwin.

The upshot was that he gaed to the window an' stood glowrin' at Dule Water. The trees are unco thick, an' the water lies deep an' black under the manse; and there was Janet washing' the cla'es wi' her coats kilted. She had her back to the minister, an' he for his pairt, hardly kenned what he was lookin' at. Syne she turned round, an' shawed her face; Mr.

"That's true, mem, an' it canna be I sud ever forget yon face ye shawed me i' the coffin, the bonniest, sairest sicht I ever saw," returned Malcolm, with a quaver in his voice. "But what for cairry yer thouchts to the deid face o' her? Ye kent the leevin' ane weel," objected Miss Horn. "That's true, mem; but the deid face maist blottit the leevin' oot o' my brain." "I'm sorry for that.

As I say, a dochter there was, an' gien a' was surpassin', she was surpassin' a'. The faimily piper, or sennachy, as they ca'd him I wadna wonner, my lord, gien thae gran' pipes yer boonty gae my gran'father, had been his! he said in ane o' his sangs, 'at the sun blinkit whanever she shawed hersel' at the hoose door.