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When he arrived, all the hotel bedrooms were reserved for the members of the general council which had been summoned; and I offered him board and lodging: a shakedown in a room overlooking the sea; fare consisting of lampreys, turbot and sea urchins: common enough dishes in that land of Cockayne, but possessing no small attraction for the naturalist, because of their novelty.

Whether she would perform as perfectly here was another matter. "They thought she would, sir," he replied. "I'll take her up for a shakedown run tomorrow after the motor is installed." Captain Hobart dismissed him with a nod, and Raf was glad to clatter down ladders into the cool of the evening once more.

Morse pointed to the wagon. "Thar's a shakedown in the wagon bed; you kin lie there." Nevertheless he hesitated, and, with the inconsequence and abruptness of a shy man, continued the previous conversation. "I shouldn't like to move far away, for them steamboats is pow'ful kempany o' nights.

General Tracy is by this time awake again; if ever indeed he slept on that uncomfortable shakedown; and, after Mr. Saunders and the razor-strop, has greeted brightly-beaming Emily with more than usual tenderness.

The detective led the way into the building, and opened the door leading into a large, barely furnished office. "Chief's gone home for the night, I guess," he remarked. "We can fix up a shakedown for you in one of the rooms behind." "I thank you," Mr. Sabin said, sitting down in a high-backed wooden chair; "I decline to move until the charge against me is properly explained."

We spent one night at Middelburg, and next morning, bidding adieu to our kind English friends, started for Pretoria, taking care to end our first day's journey at a house where an Englishman lived, so as to ensure a clean shakedown. This horse, by the by, recovered, which is the only instance of an animal's conquering the disease which has yet come under my observation.

No, it was the women folks, he said to Montague, with his grim laugh. It didn't trouble him at all to be called a "noovoo rich"; and when he felt like dancing a shakedown, he could take a run out to God's country. But the women folks had got the bee in their bonnet. The old man added sadly that one of the disadvantages of striking it rich was that it left the women folks with nothing to do.

An empty lumber team watering at the same spring, its driver offered to take Clarence's purchases for the boy had profited by his late friend's suggestion to personally detach himself from his equipment to Buckeye Mills for a dollar, which would also include a "shakedown passage" for himself on the floor of the wagon.

He had asked for Sidney and she was at his bedside. Dr. Ed had gone. "I'm going, Max. The office is full, they tell me," he said, bending over the bed. "I'll come in later, and if they'll make me a shakedown, I'll stay with you to-night." The answer was faint, broken but distinct. "Get some sleep...I've been a poor stick...try to do better " His roving eyes fell on the dog collar on the stand.

Once Meg had stolen away, after fastening her bedroom door, and had shared the bed in the loft; once Nellie had gone, and the other night Pip had taken a couple of blankets and made himself a shakedown among the straw. They used to pay her visits at all hours of the day, creeping up the creaking ladder one after the other, whenever they could get away unnoticed.