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It is certain that, so long as religion is an exotic, its existence will be precarious. The plant in the pot needs, for permanence, to become a tree rooted in the soil. Self-government is as necessary as self-support, and self-propagation is equally important, if the Christianity of the native is ever to become indigenous.

Nothing could be more superb than the deep, dark, velvety tints of the crinkled and crumpled mountains as they shelved to the sea and came in contact there with an edging of foam from the blue Pacific. Huge jelly-fish flapped about in the clear water, nebular patches of protoplasmic existence, capable, apparently, of no other functions than sensation, motion, and self-propagation.

A year after the publication of the Reflections he himself perceived the narrowness of that judgment. In the Thoughts on French Affairs he saw that the essence of the Revolution was its foundation in theoretic dogma. It was like nothing else in the history of the world except the Reformation; which last event it especially resembles in its genius for self-propagation.

Successive births do not mean transmigration in the common sense of that word, but only the self-propagation of Karma: the perpetual multiplying of certain conditions by a kind of ghostly gemmation, if I may borrow a biological term.

And as fructification and multiplication have not failed from the beginning of creation and never will, plainly there is in that ability an endeavor after self-propagation to eternity also. The like is true of human beings as to their affections, which are of love, and their perceptions, which are of wisdom.

Were the seeds to bear fruit and the animals to multiply in the measure of ability, they would fill all the world, even the universe, in a generation. Obviously there is latent in that ability an endeavor after self-propagation to infinity.

Though they be not yet one canonically, thanks to your soldiership, the earl is her liege lord, and she is his liege lady. "But there must surely be some reason," said Sir Ralph, "for father Peter's apprehension." "None," said brother Michael, "but the apprehension itself; fear being its own father, and most prolific in self-propagation.

When converts are made from heathenism by modern missionaries, it becomes an interesting question whether their faith possesses the elements of permanence, or is only an exotic too tender for self-propagation when the fostering care of the foreign cultivators is withdrawn.

The soul of man, and of every animal, from an implanted tendency to self-propagation, forms itself, clothes itself, and becomes seed, 220; because the soul is a spiritual substance, which is not a subject of extension but of impletion, and from which no part can be taken away, but the whole may be produced without any loss thereof, hence it is that it is as fully present in the smallest receptacles, which are seeds, as in its greatest receptacle, the body, 220.

Self-support, self-government, and self-propagation are intimately related, acting and reacting on each other, and the native Church should be framed in them from the beginning of its existence. "Is it the opinion of missionaries at Amoy that the native Presbyters are competent to manage the affairs of Presbytery, and could they safely be left to do so?" Answer.