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"What has been your experience with marine machinery? What were your last three or four places?" "My last three or four? Well, one was being second-assistant engineer on a government collier from the Philippines with a denaturalized skipper, and for purser a slick up-state New Yorker; and both of 'em at the old game grafting off the grub allowance. And that's bad." "Eh what's bad?"

Albert Penny at this time was second-assistant buyer for Slocum-Hines, and, at the instance of his friend Vincent, somewhat reluctantly present. "Al, what are you doing to-night?" "Oh, about the same old thing! Take a stroll and turn in, I guess. Why?" "There is a little gathering up at the Kembles' this evening. Thought maybe you'd like to meet the girl.

This same unsensitiveness to routine had enhanced his value with Slocum-Hines from delivery boy at fifteen to second-assistant buyer at twenty-five, an amenability, however, that threatened to pauperize him of any capacity for play. Under the well-meant banterings of friends he became conscious of it, but to cast it off was to cast off the thing he was.

If they had come early, they would have found her ready and competent. And they not she would have determined what they would set her at and what they would make of her. If they had elected to commission her as second-assistant cook in a bankrupt boarding-house, I know the rest of it I know what would have happened.