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"Git out o' dat you scoundril!" exclaimed Moses, but the order was needless, for the monkey bounced out of it like india-rubber and sought to hide its confusion in the thatch, while Moses helped himself to some more of the rice, which, he said, was none the worse for being monkeyfied!

Stopping short suddenly it turned again and looked at its master with a high head, as if to say, "There! what think you of that?" "You ole scoundril," growled the negro, with an injured look, "di'n't I say we's got no time to waste? eh! Come, now. Das enuff o' your fun."

"Why, how came you to know that?" asked the captain, somewhat perplexed and thrown off his guard. "Ho! ho!" laughed Ebony in a subdued voice, "how I comes to know dat, eh? I come to knows many t'ings by putting dis an' dat togider. You's cappen ob man-ob-war. Well, you no comes here for notting. Well, Rosco de pirit, de horroble scoundril, hims lib here. Ob course you come for look for him.

"Don't be blasphamin', honest man," said a bystander; "if you've lost money, that's no rason why you should fly in the face o' God for P 's roguery. Devil a one o' myself cares if I join you in a volley against the robbin' scoundril, but I'd not take all the money the rip of hell ran away wid, an' spake of God as you do."

He got full at last, and his hart softened a little to'ards me. "After all," he sed, "you have sum people at the North who air not wholly loathsum beasts?" "Well, yes," I sed, "we hav' now and then a man among us who isn't a cold-bluded scoundril. Young man," I mildly but gravely sed, "this crooil war is over, and you're lickt!

"You say de Hottentots are not slaves, but you treat us all de same as slaves anyhow, Jan Smit does." "That is the sin of Jan Smit, not of the British law," replied Considine. Ruyter's face grew darker as he rejoined fiercely, "What de use of your laws if dey won't work? Besides, what right hab de white scoundril to make slave at all whether you call him slave or no call him slave.

"Git out o' dat you scoundril!" exclaimed Moses, but the order was needless, for the monkey bounced out of it like indiarubber and sought to hide its confusion in the thatch, while Moses helped himself to some more of the rice, which, he said; was none the worse for being monkeyfied!