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The Marquis de Saporta had indeed before suggested that the primitive races who were the contemporaries of the mammoth and the rhinoceros came originally from the polar regions, where the remains of a luxuriant vegetation prove that climatic conditions prevailed in remote times of a very different character to those of the present day.

They may become extinct, or they may endure as varieties for very long periods, as has been shown to be the case by Mr. Wollaston with the varieties of certain fossil land-shells in Madeira, and with plants by Gaston de Saporta.

In this community of types, no less than in the community of certain existing species, Saporta recognizes a prolonged material union between North America and Europe in former times.

Comte de Saporta: Le Monde des Plantes avant L'Apparition de L'Homme, p. 109. H. Faye: Sur L'Origine du Monde, Chapitre XI, p. 256-7. Joseph McCabe: The End of the World, p. 112. Joseph McCabe: The End of the World, pp. 116-117. Louis Bertrand: Saint Augustin, p. 342.

"We recognize from this point of view as from others," wrote Saporta, "that the world was once young; then adolescent; that it has even passed the age of maturity; man has come late, when a beginning of physical decadence had struck the globe, his domain." Here is a fact to give enthusiasm over earthly progress serious pause. This earth, once uninhabitable, will be uninhabitable again.