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Our party then formed a large circle by joining hands; and sang the national anthem, accompanied by the Goderich band, which was composed of two fiddles and a tambourine. "Rule Britannia" for our sailor-king was also played and sung I was going to say in good style, but at all events with great loyalty and enthusiasm.

To be able at all to understand it, we must recollect the sovereigns she succeeded the Sailor-King, a most commonplace old man, with 'a head like a pine-apple'; George IV., a most unkingly king, extremely unpopular, except with a small party, of High Tories; and poor George III., who by the generation Victoria followed, could only be remembered as a frail, afflicted, blind old man for a long period shut up at Kew, and never seen by his people.

To the credit of our sailor-king, he never exhibited the least ill-feeling in consequence towards the duke for this apparent slight. Mahomet Ali, who, from a common soldier, had raised himself to a high command in the Turkish army, having been sent to Egypt, had deposed the pacha of that province and slipped into his shoes. Nothing stopped him in his ambitious career.

The Queen wrote: "She was truly motherly in her kindness to us and our children. ... Poor mama is very much cut up by this sad event. To her the Queen is a great and serious loss." Queen Adelaide left directions that her funeral should be as private as possible, and that her coffin should be carried by sailors a tribute to the memory of the Sailor-King.