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Isn't that the place we drove to the other day with a little club and a sort of pier and sailboats gliding about?" "Yes. They've got one." Ah, that was why she had had a queer feeling of Martinism while she had sat there having tea, watching the white sails against the sky. On one of those boats bending gracefully to the wind Martin must have been. "Where are they living?"

Yachts that seemed to the boys immense went by, loaded with merrymakers. Everything was as strange, as exciting, as if they were in a new world. Rance was much taken by the sailboats. "I'm going to rig a sail on our boat, or die tryin'," he declared.

Down at the harbour, sailboats and steamers were being washed and dressed up. At Norrköping the wild geese left the plain, and flew up toward Kolmården. For a time they had followed an old, hilly country road, which wound around cliffs, and ran forward under wild mountain-walls when the boy suddenly let out a shriek.

Pretty sailboats were flitting hither and thither on sunny wings; the white stretch of beach was gay with bathers; the full notes of an orchestra came from the band stand on the jutting pier. "Jing!" exclaimed Dan, in amazement at such a festive scene. "Is this Killykinick?" "No," was Dud Fielding's surly answer. "I wish it was. But I mean to cut over here to the Fosters whenever I can.

They were dark as the tubes of a telescope, and at the end of these evil smelling ditches occupied by abandoned womanhood, there opened out a great space of light and blue color where could be seen little white sailboats, anchored at the foot of the hill, a sheet of sparkling water and the houses of the opposite wharf diminished by the distance.

And even when it was dark, the sea kept its colour, the deep blue of sapphires, where, at a distance, little white yachts and sailboats looked like a company of crescent moons floating in an azure sky. I felt in the sweetest mood, kind toward all the world, and particularly to Sir Lionel.

"You mean Gentile man," said King Strang. "He is vile, but we hope to get rid of him some time." "By breaking his fish-nets and stealing his sailboats? Is it true that a Gentile sail-boat was sunk in Lake Galilee and kept hidden there until inquiry ceased, and then was raised, repainted, and launched again, a good Mormon boat?" He linked his hands behind him and smiled at her daring.

This curtailed my anticipated sport, but the pleasure of having a pull whenever I wanted it remained. I never disobeyed the Captain's orders touching the sail, though I sometimes extended my row beyond the points he has indicated. The river was dangerous for sailboats.

Daffodils lined the water's edge the daffodils of Wordsworth down the lake were the white wings of several sailboats; the sun had gone down, but his long rays of gold still pierced the sky, while across the water arose, silent and majestic, the dark purple hills. It was a beautiful sight so full of quiet and peace and rest.

In Holland, too my father had immediately hired a boat to sail the ocean, and the Scheveningen seamen had quite some trouble to make him understand that the North Sea was not an Italian gulf or lake and in rough weather would not permit of any rash enterprises in small sailboats. Yet after a few weeks, be managed to attain his object and I followed him gladly.