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The address was written on a piece of white leather cut from the uniform of one who had fallen at Borodino, and had no more need of sabretasche or trapping. "Madame Desiree Darragon nee Sebastian, Frauengasse 36, Dantzig." Desiree's heart stood still; for the writing was unknown to her. As she cut the network of string, she thought that Charles was dead.

"Has he come from Vilna?" asked Desiree. "From Vilna oh yes. They are all from Vilna." "And he had no news" persisted she, "of Captain Darragon?" "News oh no! He is a common soldier, and knows nothing of the officers on the staff. We are the same he and I poor animals in the ranks. A little gentleman rides up, all sabretasche and gold lace. It is an officer of the staff.

"So the minister said," replied he; while, once more, his eyes were buried in the recesses of the sabretasche, leaving me in the most intense astonishment at the last few words. That the minister, whoever he might be, should know of, and, as it seemed, acquiesce in my fighting a duel, was a puzzle I could make nothing of.

My charger was already awaiting me; and a second blast of the trumpet told that the inspection in the Plaza was about to commence. As I continued to dress, I gradually rallied from my depressing thoughts; and ere I belted my sabretasche, the current of my ideas had turned from their train of sadness to one of hardihood and daring. Lucy Dashwood had treated me like a wilful schoolboy.

As I requested him to be seated, I already anticipated the object of his visit, which he seemed determined to open in most diplomatic fashion; for, the first salutations over, he began coolly to ransack his sabretasche, and search among a heap of papers which crowded it. "Ah! here it is," said he at length. "I ask your pardon for all this delay.

I shall never forget it," said the sick man quickly and eagerly. "The letter is there, beneath that sabretasche. It is sealed and addressed." Louis found the letter, and went towards the door, as he placed it in his pocket. "Monsieur," said De Casimir, stopping him again. "Your name, if I may ask it, so that I may remember a countryman who has done me so great a service."

"Captain Power has been here, sir, and left a note." I took it and thrust it hastily into my sabretasche. I knew from the few words he had spoken that my present step involved me in no ill consequences; so giving the word to wheel into column, I rode to the front and set out upon my march to Alcantara.

I mean, man, that you are one of us, gazetted to the 14th Light, the best fellows for love, war, and whiskey that ever sported a sabretasche. 'Oh, love is the soul of an Irish dragoon! By Jove, I am as delighted to have rescued you from the black harness of the King's Bench as though you had been a prisoner there!

"What a pity, for the sake of his peace of mind, that you're not in the army," said another; "it's so easy to show a man a delicate regard by a quick promotion." "A devil of a pity for his own sake, too," said Power, again; "they're going to make a lawyer of as strapping a fellow as ever carried a sabretasche."

Lifting the unconscious man in their arms, they bore him into the darkness away from the train, where he was soon deprived of his coat, hat, and weapons. Then he was gagged and securely tied with his own sabretasche.