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The Rutherfords and their friends were already combing the hills for the lost girl, but the owner of the horse ranch wanted Sheriff Sweeney to send out posses as a border patrol. Opinion was divided. Some thought Beulah might have met a grizzly, been unhorsed, and fallen a victim to it. There was the possibility that she might have stumbled while climbing and hurt herself.

And you'd better peddle something insurance, or lightning rods, or 'The Royal Gall'ry of Po'try 'n Art' or " "'Life of the James and Younger Brothers. That ought to sell well with the Rutherfords," suggested Roy satirically, trying to rise to the occasion. "Jess Tighe and Dan Meldrum don't need any pointers from the James Boys." "Tighe and Meldrum Who are they?"

I'll let you alone, like I promised Jeff I would. You Rutherfords have got no call to object to being starved, anyhow. Whad you do to Dave Dingwell in Chicito?" After all, she was only a girl in spite of her little feminine ferocities and her pride and her gameness. She had passed through a terrible experience, had come out of it to apparent safety and had been thrown back into despair.

He had been a killer, but the men he had killed had been taken at advantage. It was one thing to shoot this Beaudry cub down from ambush. It was another to meet him in the open. Moreover, he knew the Rutherfords. The owner of the horse ranch had laid the law down to him. No chance shot from the chaparral was to cut down Dingwell's partner. The ex-convict listened to the whispers of Tighe.

If you want to know, I give you my word that none of us Rutherfords have got the gold stolen from the Western Express Company." "And don't know where it is?" "Haven't the least idea not one of us." She drew a deep breath of relief. More than once her father had kept from her secrets of the family activities, but he had never lied to her. "Then it doesn't matter about this detective.

"Come on, men of the Marches, Scots of the Forest, Elliots, Rutherfords, Armstrongs, and deem that, wheresoever a Southron slinks behind a stone, there is Carlisle wall!"

THE Lord Justice-Clerk was a stranger in that part of the country; but his lady wife was known there from a child, as her race had been before her. The old "riding Rutherfords of Hermiston," of whom she was the last descendant, had been famous men of yore, ill neighbours, ill subjects, and ill husbands to their wives though not their properties.

"Is Buck going to join this Sunday-School of yours?" he jeered. "And all the boys?" "That's the programme. Won't you come in, too?" "And Jess Tighe. He'll likely be one of the teachers." "You'd better ask him. He hasn't notified me." "Hell! You and yore kin have given the name to deviltry in this country. Mothers scare their kids by telling them the Rutherfords will git them." "Fact.

The girl had not dared tell her brother that the outlaw was still within his reach. She knew how impulsively his anger would move to swift action. "We Rutherfords ain't liable to forget this, Mr. Beaudry. Dad has been 'most crazy since Boots disappeared. He'll sure want to thank you himself soon as he gets a chance," blurted Ned.

You ride with me, Jeff. We'll take care of Dingwell. The rest of you scatter. We're going back to the park." The Rutherfords and their captive followed no main road, but cut across country in a direction where they would be less likely to meet travelers. It was a land of mesquite and prickly pear.