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He began by drawing off a little of Rusty's blood in a tube, very carefully. "Here, Walter," he said pointing to the little incision he had made. "Will you take care of him?" I bound up the wounded leg and gave the poor beast a drink of water. Rusty looked at me gratefully from his big sad brown eyes. He seemed to appreciate our gentleness and to realize that we were trying to help him.

He's several thousand times my size; yet I can fly further in a day than he can trot in two weeks." Well, Rusty's scoffing remarks made Daddy Longlegs quite peevish. He had come to Rusty's house in order to boast. And of course he was disappointed when he found that Rusty Wren did not think him a hero at all. "We'll say no more about the matter," Daddy observed stiffly.

Such actions only served to make the Wren family heartily disliked by every member of the ant colony. But there was nothing the ants could do except to try to be careful. And they were so angry that since they were powerless to harm the Wrens, they were quite ready and eager to vent their spite on Rusty's smaller friends.

And dear me! I forgot all about Rusty Wren's family his wife and six baby children who had to be given Wren food by Rusty and little Chippy, Jr. You will laugh heartily when you read about Chippy growing so big and fat that he gets stuck in Rusty's tiny doorway and can't get pulled out. My, what an exciting time it was!

You're going to be hazed into a Cowboys' Mutual Improvement and Social Society, and quit smoking cigarettes and cussing your hosses and laying over Rusty's bar when yuh ride into town; and for pleasure and recreation you're going to read Tennyson's poems, and when yuh get caught out in a blizzard yuh'll be heeled with Whittier's Snowbound, pocket edition. Yuh " "Mama mine," broke in Weary.

He avoided all strange plants, and ate only those he recognized. In a short time he came to such thick woods that if it hadn't been for the deer trail he would have been lost, but he followed Rusty's directions, and kept strictly to the well-worn path. When he grew tired, he rested by the wayside, always hiding in the thick bushes, and keeping one eye and both ears open.

"Well, there's no wind now to keep you from walking anywhere you want to go," said Rusty Wren slyly. He hoped that Daddy Longlegs would take the hint and leave, for he did not care to talk with him any longer. Besides, it was time for Rusty to feed his six growing children. Soon, to Rusty's relief, Daddy Longlegs began to creep down the trunk of the cherry tree.

Bumper was frightened at first by the sight of the big, shaggy head and body, but when he recalled Rusty's words, and saw that Buster was sleeping, he stopped and laughed. It was a sight to make any one laugh. Buster's big, shaggy body rose and fell with every breath, and each time a loud snore came from his half open mouth. It sounded like a wheezy pair of bellows trying to play a tune.

"A horse and wagon passed this way and spoiled the footprints," Rusty said. "They couldn't have been very big," somebody remarked. "Well no!" Rusty Wren admitted. "I shouldn't call them big. But they certainly weren't as small as the footprints of an ant." When they heard that, some of Rusty's friends looked relieved. "We don't need to worry, anyhow," a number of them said to one another.

You better drift, before that feller that went out comes back with an officer. You can't " "Officer be damned!" retorted Irish, unawed. He went out while Rusty was deciding to order him out, and started for the stable. Halfway there he ducked into the shadow of the blacksmith shop and watched two men go up the street to Rusty's place, walking quickly.