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There were also stories of lonesome "run-ins," which, owing to Willie's secretiveness and the permanent silence of the other participants, never became more than intangible rumors. But he was a good ranchman, attended to his business, and the sheriff's office was remote, so Willie had worked on unmolested. "This here is a real foot-runner," said Stover. "Exactly," agreed the other. "Where is he?"

And she never lifts it till the 'come on' has given up his cash. Then " Maud laughed. "Gee, but she has had some hot run-ins after she hoists her curtain!" "Why don't you wear a veil all the time?" asked Susan. Maud tossed her head. "What do you take me for? I've got too good an opinion of my looks for that." Susan put on the veil. It was not of the kind that is a disguise.

He might even have tried to kill me or the professor." Roger and Astro mumbled curt thanks for the compliment. Barret looked at them quizzically. "No need for us to be angry with each other," he said smoothly. "I realize that when we had our two little run-ins you were carrying out your duties, and I apologize for behaving the way I did. How about it? Can we shake and forget it?"

I've slept every minute since you've been gone." Then Britt hurried out, locking the door behind him. By noon that day, in the lulls between customers at the wicket, Vaniman had had a succession of run-ins with the demon of drowsiness a particularly mischievous elf, sometimes, in business hours.

If he wants to make that valid, he wouldn’t dare any such deal!" "I’ll bet you without waitin’ to see a hole card," Anse replied, "that if that coyote was ever ridin’ on our sidewhich I don’t stretch ear tohe cut loose them traces long ago. There were them buzzards we had us a coupla run-ins with back in Tennessee, ’member?

"Yes, that lump on your head looks like it," replied Dick, with a laugh. "If Bud hadn't put you out we'd have come closer to licking this bunch. Ken, keep your eye on Greaser. He's treacherous. His arm's lame yet." "We've had two run-ins already," I said. "The third time is the worst, they say. I hope it won't come.... But, Dick, I'm as big I'm bigger than he is." "Hear the kid talk!