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It has been remarked that, although these paintings belong to what is called the "reindeer epoch," yet in the cave of Altamira there are no representations of reindeer, but chiefly of bison and wild boar. In fact, no representations of reindeer have been observed on cave walls or rock-shelters south of the Pyrenees.

Dwelling-places of these far-distant peoples such as caves and rock-shelters, and the remains of the lake-habitations that were built on piles, in Switzerland and elsewhere sepulchers, camps, and forts, and an immense number of implements and ornaments of stone and metal, have been examined.

Did palæolithic man, that antique naked crouching savage who hunted the mammoth, the reindeer, and the cave-bear among the frozen fields of interglacial Gaul and Britain did palæolithic man himself, in his rude rock-shelters, possess a knowledge of the art of pottery?

This condition of things would drive the people to seek security in the neighboring cliffs of fertile canons, where not only might they build their dwelling places in the numerous rock-shelters, but they could also cultivate their crops in comparative safety along the limited tracts which these eyries overlooked.

And that faith is expressed very beautifully and strikingly in one of the Old Testament metaphors, which frequently goes along with this one of the Rock. That act of trust or flight will make it certain that God will be to us for a house of defence, a fortress to save us. Other rock-shelters may crumble. They may be carried by assault; they may be riven by earthquakes.