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There isn't going to be any row unless I say so, and I'm not taking any contract to handle a lot of drunken river-hogs as well as go against a game." "All right," agreed Nolan, "I'm with you." The thirty or so men of the rear crew then in camp signified their intention to stay by the procession. "You can't make those sharps disgorge," counselled Newmark.

Son, remember this: it's true it ain't doing things that makes a man so much as deciding things." One of his great chuckles bubbled up. "It took some nerve to jump in the way you did; and some sand to handle the flea-bitten bunch of river-hogs " "You're mistaken about them," Bob broke in earnestly. "They've been maligned. They're as good and willing a squad as I ever want to see "

That's the first time I ever see one lonesome sheriff gather in ten river-hogs without the aid of a gatlin' or an ambulance! What's the matter with that chicken-livered bunch, anyway?" Orde watched them, his eyes expressionless, until they had disappeared in the fringe of the forest Then he turned to the astonished group.

"Blow, you son of a gun!" cried disgustedly one young fellow with a red bandana, apostrophising the wind. "I wonder if there's ANY side of this fire that ain't smoky!" "Keep your hair on, bub," advised a calm and grizzled old-timer. "There's never no smoke on the OTHER side of the fire whichever that happens to be. And as for wind she just makes holiday for the river-hogs."

"Not a thing." "Men who told me did " "A bunch of river-hogs," broke in Welton contemptuously. "It strikes me, young man, that you have the most colossal cheek I've ever heard of." But Bob faced him squarely. "Look here," he said decidedly, "I'm technically wrong, and I know it.

At the same moment, as though at the signal, a single bird, premonitor of the yet distant day, lifted up his voice, clearly audible above the tumult. Orde stormed into the camp up stream, his eyes bright, his big voice booming exultantly. "Roll out, you river-hogs!" he shouted to those who had worked out their shifts earlier in the night.