United States or North Korea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All girls do is to run and jump and play tag and ring-around-a-rosy and run errands, and dance! I hate 'em!" This was said very, very fast almost chattered; and it sounded so ill-natured, so impatient, so altogether mean and hateful, that Ruth fell back a step, almost afraid to enter the pleasant room.

She is done with childhood to-day. Children may ride cock-horse and play ring-around-a-rosy. I haven't drawn any particular line on playfellows up to now. But there isn't going to be any playing at love, sir." "I never have played at love with your daughter!" cried Harlan, shocked and indignant at this sudden attack. "Well, I'm fixing it so you won't.

And sweeping Helena off the couch and into his arms, he began to dance around and around the table. "Ring-around-a-rosy!" he cried. "We haven't done so bad in the misty past, but here's where we cross to the enchanted shore and play on jewelled harps with golden strings and " "Is that all?" gasped Helena, laughing and breathless, as at last she pulled herself away. "No," panted Doc Madison.

One by one the citizens were allowed to slip outside the "ring-around-a-rosy" until only "desperadoes" were left. These made no effort to resist arrest, and were started toward the city jail.

But this looks more like 'Blind Man's Buff' than 'Ring-Around-A-Rosy, don't you think? Or are you trying to play 'Tag' with me? Well, you're 'It' anyway," he said, dropping all hint of banter in his tone. "I'd advise you to meet a few straight questions with straight answers. First, who is this Joe person you were expecting to do the canoeing for you?" "My husband."

Fagan looked at the angry alderman. He looked at the dripping goats. "So I did, Mike," he said seriously. "We both of us did." "An' did we!" cried Alderman Toole in mock surprise. "Is it possible we thought t' put thim in th' wather whin we wanted thim t' swim? It was in me mind that we tied thim to a tree an' played ring-around-a-rosy with thim t' induce thim t' swim! Where's a pencil?

My heart goes twirly-whirly When I see my pearlie girlie, With her "Now, what is that next line? With her ?" "With her ring-around-a-rosy curls!" supplemented Ruth, her own face breaking into laughter, as, caught by the infection of Fibsy's waggish gayety, she rounded out the phrase. "Yes, that's it" said Fibsy, eagerly, "and

The strain was telling on the two teams; for, when you come right down to it, no Siwash man loves a Kiowa man any more fervently than a bull pup loves a cat. The teams lined up again and began playing "ring-around-a-rosy" to find who should make the next touchdown, when something happened. Klingel, the two-hundred-and-ten-pound Kiowan guard, started it.

Grove and garden, maze and lawn, suddenly sparkled with jewelled lights; the stringed band in the pagoda burst into gay music. Led by a silvery vision, Polly's guests formed a great ring-around-a-rosy for an opening measure, and the party began. And, with a fairy godmother like Miss Stella leading the fun, it was a party to be remembered.

In summer, too, the boys and girls in Russia have a good time. The boys have wrestling matches, for they are strong. The girls have a game like ring-around-a-rosy. They also have a game much like our seesaw. A girl stands on each end of a board. Then one girl jumps up and comes down on the board. This sends the other girl up, and in her turn she comes down on the board and sends the first girl up.