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Rilboche, Lady Kirkbank, Kibble, luggage of all kinds were transferred from one yacht to the other, even to the vellum bound Keats which lay face downwards on the deck, just where Lesbia had flung it when the Cayman was boarded.

Shoulders are of no age les épaules sont la vraie fontaine de jouvence pour les jolies femmes. 'You are such a witty creature, Seraphine, Fifine. You ought to be a descendant of that wicked old Madame du Deffand. Rilboche, give Madame some more chartreuse.

And for the first time in her life, Lesbia, too depressed to argue the point, consented to have her eyes doctored by Rilboche. She was gay enough at the Ranelagh, and looked her loveliest at a dinner party that evening, and went to three parties after the dinner, and went home in the faint light of early morning, after sitting out a late waltz in a balcony with Mr.

Rilboche had naturally, as a Frenchwoman, succumbed utterly to her own feelings, and was moaning in her berth, wailing out every now and then that she would never have taken service with Miladi had she suspected her to be capable of such cruelty as to take her to live for weeks upon the sea.

'Don't tell your grandmother anything about the bills for a week or two, said Lady Kirkbank, soothingly. 'The creatures can wait for their money. Give yourself time to think. 'I will, answered Lesbia, dolefully. 'And now make haste, and get ready for the Ranelagh. My love, your eyes are dreadfully heavy. You must use a little belladonna. I'll send Rilboche to you.

'Time doesn't seem long when one is happy, my lady, murmured Rilboche, in her own language. 'Help me to dress this instant, screamed her mistress: 'that dreadful Spaniard is eloping with us.

And then she rapped vehemently against the panel of the cabin, and screamed for Rilboche, whose den was adjacent. Rilboche, who detested the sea, made her appearance after some delay, looking even greener than her mistress, who, in rising from her berth, already began to suffer the agonies of sea-sickness. 'What does this mean? exclaimed Lady Kirkbank; 'and where are we going?

There was a cabin for Lady Kirkbank's Rilboche and Lady Lesbia's Kibble, where the two might squabble at their leisure; in a word, everything had been done that forethought could do to make the yacht as perfect a place of sojourn as any floating habitation, from Noah's Ark to the Orient steamers, had ever been made.

Smithson has been here, I understand, said Lady Kirkbank, settling herself in an arm-chair by the open window, after she had kissed her protégée. 'Rilboche passed him on the stairs. 'Rilboche is always passing people on the stairs, answered Lesbia rather pettishly. 'I think she must spend her life on the landing, listening for arrivals and departures.

And now I think if there is a cabin which I can have to myself I should like to retire to it, she added. 'My cares are thrown away here. There was a cabin at Lady Kirkbank's disposal. It had been already appropriated by Rilboche, and smelt of cognac; but Rilboche resigned her berth to her mistress, and laid herself meekly on the floor for the rest of the voyage.