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She said nothing, however, for, though she had no love for children, Ivan was quiet enough to have won her liking. "Eh bien, mon fils, tu m'as vu. Allez vous en! Retournez immédiatement au lit. Tu vas prendre un rhume! Allez! Vite!" Laughing, she kissed the boy nor had far to stoop to reach his lips. Then, with a gentle hand, she led him back to the door.

When the priests reached the door of the barrack-yard, they again turned to utter their thanks to the major, and entreat him once more, "not to come a step farther. There now, major, we know the path well, so just give us the pass, and don't stay out in the night air." "Ah oui, Monsieur Jones," said the Abbe, "retournez, je vous prie. We are, I must say, chez nous.

When the priests reached the door of the barrack-yard, they again turned to utter their thanks to the major, and entreat him once more, "not to come a step farther. There now, major, we know the path well, so just give us the pass, and don't stay out in the night air." "Ah oui, Monsieur Jones," said the Abbe, "retournez, je vous prie. We are, I must say, chez nous.

To him the Maid addressed herself in her clear mellow voice, which could be heard across the flowing river: "Retournez de la part Dieu a l'Angleterre!" was the burden of her charge, imploring him to have mercy upon himself and his soldiers, as else many hundreds of them, and himself also, must perish miserably, and perchance even without the offices of the Church.

But in the towers not a man budged, not a shot was fired. It was again a miracle, and she had predicted it. The party of Dunois marched on in safety, and Jeanne returned to Orleans, once more receiving on the breeze some words of abuse from the defenders of those battlements, which sent forth no more dangerous missile, and replying again with her summons, "Retournez de la par Dieu a Angleterre."