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So, Resolution Day, I warn you to prepare to make your final exodus with Captain Jo at sunset!" Resolution's scarred head sank, his maimed body seemed to shrink and there broke from him a groan: "To hang to die she's so young so young all I ever had to love! Oh, Lord God o' battles " "Godby, summon the guard and see him safely bestowed in the lock-up aft, and bring the key to my cabin."

The thief was caught, flogged, and put in irons till the tongs were returned from the shore. The same tongs were again stolen in the afternoon, and the thief got away with them, pursued by Edgar, the Master, in the ship's cutter, and joined by the Resolution's pinnace.

Sailing with a favourable wind on 1st September for Huaheine, the Adventure ran ashore going through the reef, but with the assistance of the Resolution's boats, she was soon towed off without serious damage. Forster, as usual, tries to cause trouble by declaring that Cook would not send assistance till the Resolution was safely anchored, and thus added to the danger of his consort.

When well out in the Channel the Resolution's crew was mustered, and it was found that, owing to a mistake of the clerk, there was one man more than the complement, so John Coghlan was entered on the Supernumerary List for Wages and Victuals.

Excessive anxiety among the people in the ship, occasioned delay in sending assistance, so that when the first boat arrived at the spot, two survivors only out of six men were found. During a fresh gale of wind in the season of 1809, one of the Resolution's harpooners struck a sucking whale. Its mother being near, all the other boats were disposed around, with the hope of entangling it.

The stay here was longer than was intended, for the Resolution's fore and mizzen masts were found to be very defective, and her rigging had got into a very bad state. The fore-mast was repaired and the mizzen replaced with a new stick, and when a great deal of work had been done this proved faulty, and a second one had to be cut.

"No shooting, stabbing nor maiming till she gives the word, Captain " "Curse her for a " Resolution's long arm shot out and his knotted fingers plunged and buried themselves in Belvedere's bull-throat, choking the word on his lips. "Belay, Captain! Avast, Belvedere! I am one as knew her when she was innocent child, so easy all's the word, Belvedere."

Now here ensued a silence wherein none moved, it seemed, only I saw Resolution's bony hand creep and bury itself in his capacious side pocket. Then, putting by the screening branches, I stepped forth into the firelight. "What, Tressady," said I, "d'ye cheat the gallows yet?" But knowing the man and feeling Joanna's gaze upon me, I folded my arms and scowled back at him.

But at the hoarse roar of Resolution's speaking trumpet was stir and clamorous outcry from the battle-wearied crew who came aft in a body. "Oho, Belvedere!" they shouted, "Us ha' fought as long as men may, and now what?" "Fight again, bullies, and cheerily!" roared Resolution. At this the uproar grew; pistols and muskets were brandished. "We ha' fought enough!

This amicable ceremony being settled, the taboo was disolved; matters went on in the usual train; and the next day, February the 13th we were visited by the natives in great numbers: the Resolution's mast was landed, and the astronomical observatories erected on their former situation.