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May be, she's amongst 'em. I'll go down and see." Soon I heard the old, girlish, familiar step on the stairs. Rebecca hesitated, standing an instant on the threshold. In spite of the new and loftier soul looking out of her eyes, in spite of the new and womanly dignity which she bore so reposefully, she read my face with that quick, intuitive glance I had learned to know so well.

Put on your duds and come on he sent me for you." Max settled himself more reposefully than ever among his pillows. "Go 'way," he commanded. "My half-holidays are not for work." But Sally sprang to her feet, seeing which Jarvis got promptly to his. "Sorry we haven't blanket tobogganing suits, Bob," said Jarvis, "but we can try it in derby hats and kid gloves. I'm ready."

It would seem that lazily, reposefully, comfortably, easily, we can make no entry into the kingdom of heaven, but must enter by contest, by great endeavour.

'It is so quiet and restful; that was to say, no idle callers would break upon her retirement; she would be able to welcome a friend, and talk reposefully with him. Surely she must have meant that; for she spoke with a peculiar intonation a look By the second morning he had worked himself up to a persuasion that yonder by the seaside Constance was expecting him.

The proposal had been rejected in favour of a wreath in stone, above the stark words: "The family vault of Jolyon Forsyte: 1850." It was in good order. All trace of the recent interment had been removed, and its sober grey gloomed reposefully in the sunshine.

We are but the feeble mouthpieces of a benevolent scheme of all-embracing justice and greatly do I fear that we must again submit." With these well-timed words the broad-minded personage settled himself more reposefully among his cushions and signified that Kai Lung should be led forward and begin. The Story of Ning, the Captive God, and the Dreams that mark his Race i.

It was a merry evening, and was followed by much jollity over the bestowing of so many people comfortably for the night. Going to occupy his hammock, Mr. Rudd found a long figure swinging reposefully in it. "Why, Jarvis!" he ejaculated. "This is my place. You are to have a room in the tent." "Not while you sleep outside, sir," returned the guest, remaining composed for slumber.

Malo business might be avoided; and then there need be no change in captain or crew. The yacht must be safe enough lying at anchor in the roadstead. By-and-by, when the visitors had departed, and Mr. Smithson was reposefully enjoying his tea by Lady Lesbia's side, he approached the subject. 'Do you really care about crossing to St. Malo after this really prefer the idea to Ryde?

That one thing was that while the face listened reposefully the legs were industriously dancing like the legs of a marionette. The neat flowers and the sunny glitter of the garden lent an indescribable sharpness and incredibility to the prodigy the prodigy of the head of a hermit and the legs of a harlequin. For miracles should always happen in broad daylight.

Through an immense, continuous level of unfailing fertility, the Meinam rolls slowly, reposefully, grandly, in its course receiving draughts from many a lesser stream, filling many a useful canal in its turn, and, from the abundance the generous rains bestow, distributing supplies of refreshment and fatness to innumerable acres.