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Joe Rendal's office was in the heart of the financial district, situated about half-way up a building that, to Mary, reared amidst the less impressive architecture of her home-town, seemed to reach nearly to the sky.

Dick Rendal's hand still clutched the cord of the life-belt, but both bodies were under water, fast locked, when the liner's boat at length reached the spot. They were hauled on board, as on a long line you haul a fish with a crab fastened upon him; and were laid in the stern-sheets, where their grip was with some difficulty loosened. It may have happened in the struggle.

On the table there also lay a half crown and a florin, as though Bob had been examining these products of the Royal Mint with a view to improving the artistic quality of his amateur workmanship. He took up the coins quietly as his wife entered and put them in his pocket. 'Mrs. Rendal's been at me again, Bob, Pennyloaf said, as she set down her market-basket.

On his way thither Mr Markham protested cheerily that he saw no reason for all this fuss; he was as right now, or nearly as right, as the Bank. How's Rendal getting on? Captain Holditch, skipper of the Carnatic, put this question next morning to the doctor, and was somewhat surprised by the answer. 'Oh, Rendal's all right. That is to say, he will be all right. Just now he's suffering from shock.