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If I had a child who was dearer to me than life, whose fate it was to earn her own living, and I was told that she would have a brilliant future, and put money in her purse if she went on the stage, I would say 'go! you may depend upon it." This avowal seemed to take the ground from under Regine's feet. She stood for a moment gazing at him with frightened face.

As she stepped out now, looking so fresh and rosy and healthy, she was a daughter after Frau Regine's own heart, and that lady immediately brought the strife to an end and gave her a smiling nod. "Father, the carriage is on its way back from the station," said the young lady, in very deliberate, almost drawling tones.

Don't you write one another regularly?" "Yes, but his letters are always short and monosyllabic. I wrote him of my marriage, but his congratulations were very laconic. You must see him frequently, since he has been made minister of war, as you are so near the city." A shadow darkened Regine's clear eyes, and she shook her head sadly. "You are mistaken, the colonel scarcely ever comes to Burgsdorf.

Marietta seemed to her like all other girls, but she was pretty, very pretty and that was bad. She had short curly hair all over her head and that was worse. There was no mistaking Frau Regine's attitude toward the young singer, whom she now begun to question. "You are a friend of my son's betrothed, I believe?" "Yes, my lady," was the unconcerned reply. "A friend since childhood, I understand.

The little insolent thing threw her arms around Frau Regine's neck, and said, flatteringly: "Now, don't be angry, mamma! I wouldn't exchange my Will for all the great ambassadors of the world, and neither would you." "You're a little minx," said Regine, striving to look as severe as ever. "You know very well that one can't be angry with you long.

"Yes, so it seems," said Wallmoden, a cloud gathering on his brow. "As for the man's history, if he has any, what does it matter to us? Well, I must look after Toni, and see how she's getting along without that lover of hers. That was a queer freak of Regine's. As soon as anything concerning her beloved Burgsdorf comes on the tapis, nothing will keep her.

The countenance, which had once been so full of expression, had a staring, uncomfortable look now, and his manner bespoke a reserve and repression which could not be penetrated. Regine's expression, "The man seems turned to stone," was only too true.

Regine's face showed clearly her intense excitement, and her lips trembled as she answered: "I am no such staid diplomat as you, Herbert. I have not yet learned to be calm and indifferent when one whom I have for years imagined dead, or gone to ruin, suddenly springs up before me." "Dead? He was too young to make that a probability. Gone to ruin?

After that they became bankrupt, and mother and son went out into the world like gypsies." Wallmoden told all this in the same cold, contemptuous tone as that in which he had spoken to Hartmut and in Regine's face, too, was a look of abhorrence for the wife and mother who had fulfilled so ill the duties of her station.

"Leave me alone, don't bother me with your flatteries." Frau Regine's face was as inflexible as ever, but her voice had a certain unsteadiness which made Hartmut feel he had won the day. He laid his arm upon her shoulder with the freedom of a child. "I believe you do love me a little, Aunt Regine, and I I have been happy for weeks over the thought of my visit to Burgsdorf.