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But he was so glad to get out of the sack of wheat that he didn't worry about being lost. He thought he could find some one who would know where Farmer Green's pasture was. One of the most quarrelsome of all Sandy Chipmunk's neighbors was Rowdy Red-Squirrel. He was happiest when he was fighting. But perhaps that was because he had never lost a fight.

So he tore open the envelope and pulled out a paper. "It's certainly for me," he said, "for here's my picture again. But I'd like to know why these other people have their pictures in my letter. They've no business in my letter!" Mr. Crow looked over Sandy's shoulder which was not at all a polite thing to do. "That's queer!" Mr. Crow exclaimed. "There's one of the Red-Squirrel boys and Mrs.

His hooked nose and black hair and eyes won for him the appropriate name of "Blackhawk." The city boy being a noisy "show-off," who did little work, was called "Bluejay" Peter Boyle was "Peetweet," and Char-less, from his peculiar snickering and showing two large front teeth, was called "Red-squirrel."

A bluejay and a red-squirrel, two notorious thieves, were loudly berating each other for stealing, and at one time Rag's home bush was the centre of their fight; a yellow warbler caught a blue butterfly but six inches from his nose, and a scarlet and black ladybug, serenely waving her knobbed feelers, took a long walk up one grass-blade, down another, and across the nest and over Rag's face and yet he never moved nor even winked.

"Who ever heard of anybody who could tie his own hands behind him?... You will have to do that for me," he said. Jasper Jay gave another loud shriek and rocked back and forth on the limb where he sat. "Another joke!" he gasped for he was too clever to be caught like that. He had no idea of going near enough to Rowdy Red-Squirrel to tie his hands behind his back.

But when Rowdy pulled on his ear, Sandy's feet almost slipped off the limb. Then Sandy tried to get away. And at last he tore his ear out of Rowdy Red-Squirrel's mouth and scurried quickly to the ground. Rowdy Red-Squirrel, dashing after him, shouted with glee. "He's running away from me! I've whipped him!" he called to Jasper Jay, who had come nearer, to see the fight.

"Well, I see I'll have to whip Sandy Chipmunk just as I am," Rowdy grumbled. "It won't be much fun for me." "I don't believe it will," Jasper Jay agreed. "After I whip him, you'll have to find six more chipmunks for me, if you want to see me fight them all at once," Rowdy Red-Squirrel told Jasper Jay. "I'll do it if you whip Sandy," Jasper promised.

Sandy Chipmunk had reached the stone wall between the woods and the pasture. And he was still running. But the moment Rowdy Red-Squirrel sprang upon the wall, to his great surprise Sandy whisked around and jumped straight at him. It was Rowdy's turn to be startled. And when Sandy gave his nose a cruel bite Rowdy turned tail and darted off as fast as he could go. After him dashed Sandy Chipmunk.

There's one too many for you. Sandy Chipmunk is one too many for you!" And he flew away to tell the joke to every one. You see, Rowdy had been so frightened when Sandy turned and bit his nose that he actually thought there must be at least seven chipmunks chasing him. Though he boasted just as much afterwards, Rowdy Red-Squirrel never wanted to fight Sandy Chipmunk again.

The little ones half starved before they came were a double drain, for they took the time she might have spent in hunting. The Northern Hare is the favorite food of the Lynx, and in some years she could have killed fifty in one day, but never one did she see this season. The plague had done its work too well. One day she caught a Red-squirrel which had run into a hollow log that proved a trap.