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Bramton attempted to buy them off with tribute in the shape of cup-cakes. "Sure, darlints, they do be starvin' yez," purred Mrs. Bramton. "Don't I know the likes o' them? Now roon away quietlike an' ladylike " "Like a hen," retorted Scott. "I want some preserves." "That's all very well," said Geraldine with her mouth full, "but we expected to skate about the kitchen and watch you make pastry.

"WHY hain't it, I'd like to know?" says Hank. "I knowed a man oncet whose name was Farmer, and if a farmer's a name why ain't a company a name too?" "His name is Daniel Dunne," says Elmira, quietlike, but not dodging a row, neither. "AND COMPANY," says Hank, getting onto his feet, like he always done when he seen trouble coming.

You mustn't mind me, but tell me all you know now. I know you couldn't lie to either of us if you tried." "Yes, I could too," says I; "but I haven't tried. But I just couldn't go to you and tell you all this thing, for I knew what it would mean to you. "It's been going on quietlike for quite a while and I've been doing all I could to stop it.

Tom Kimberly certainly was up in all the late steps of dancing; that was one thing he could do. While him and Bonnie Bell was dancing I could see all the old folks looking at them quietlike. It was plain that he was mighty hard hit with Bonnie Bell. Old Man Wright he'd look at him once in a while right close too.

"Ever hear the name of Frazer?" "Why, Mrs. Moody do you That was her name before she was married ..." "You come along with me," ordered Mrs. Moody, and led the way up the stairs. "Be sort of quietlike. She's sick..." Mrs. Moody opened Ruth's door and pointed in. "Is it her?" she asked. Hilda did not answer. She was across the room in an instant and on her knees beside the bed.

"Well," continued the Orderly, "Cap had been waxed by Cap Summerville two games hand-running, and they were nip-and-tuck on the third, and just as impatient and cross as they always are when they're neck-and-neck in the last heat. The tent-flap raised, and in walked Russell and Humphreys soft and quietlike, as if they were going into the sitting-room for evening prayers.