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So a were puzzled-like; an' at length a says, "Thou mun ask t' parson that; a'm but a poor faint-hearted widow-woman; but a've allays had God's blessing somehow, now a bethink me, an' a'll share it wi' thee as far as my will goes." So he raxes his hand across t' table, an' mutters summat, as he grips mine.

Fenley was dead, but didn't appear so greatly upset. She was more puzzled-like kep' on mutterin': 'Who did it? Who could have the cool darin' to shoot him dead in broad daylight, at his own door, before his servants? She was sort of forcin' herself to think, to find out, just as if it was a riddle, an' the right answer was on the tip of her tongue.

So a were puzzled-like; an' at length a says, "Thou mun ask t' parson that; a'm but a poor faint-hearted widow-woman; but a've allays had God's blessing somehow, now a bethink me, an' a'll share it wi' thee as far as my will goes." So he raxes his hand across t' table, an' mutters summat, as he grips mine.

But when that Frenchie came in he told the Malay chaps to untie 'em, so that I could wait upon you and precious glad I was." "But how did you manage to see to give me the water?" "I couldn't in the night, sir; but I can now. It's no use to tell the poor chap that it's quite light, for he's all puzzled-like yet," thought the private. Then aloud, "I'd just go to sleep a bit now, sir, if I was you."