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"'I never met yer wife, sez I, 'an' we'll let thet part o' it pass, fer ye knows me well enough thet I never make no remarks erbout wimminfolks what ain't smooth an' complimentary. But I stands on ther gristle-an'-hide propersition ontil I'm ready ter fight fer it. "Yer see, I wuz gettin' some peevish erbout Peep. Ole man Bradish hed left us alone tergether too long.

"Don't he know we all air sufferin' with him?" But Uncle Jason seemed better to appreciate the schoolmaster's attitude. "I don't blame him none. He's jest like a dog with a hurt paw wants ter crawl inter his kennel and lick his wounds. It's a tough propersition, for a fac'." "He needn't be afraid that the fellers will guy him," growled Marty. "If they do, I'll lick 'em!" "Oh, Marty!

Maybe thar's better luck in store for you than you dream of," and Ham's face lighted up, as if a pleasant idea had suddenly come to him. "I want tew have a talk with th' rest of th' members of th' Never-Give-Up California Mining Company; an' then, may be we'll have a propersition tew make tew you, an', ag'in, maybe we won't," and Ham grinned so good-naturedly that even Mrs. Dickson smiled wanly.

"Another six days otter see th' finish of th' job; an' then maybe it will be gold an' maybe it will be jest a lot of durned hard work for nothin'; but it shore looks good; an' I'm in favor of seein' this dam through afore tacklin' th' Cave of Gold propersition." For an hour or more our friends measured and figured and considered; and then, all coming to the conclusion that Mr.

Now, seein' that thar durned dam has played out on us, I reckon we're all a-calculatin' on havin' a try for th' Cave of Gold next; an' I figger 'twouldn't be more'n square for us tew ask th' Dicksons tew go long with us on th' hunt for th' dead miner's wonderful cave, an', if we find it, for them tew share in th' gold same as us. How does th' propersition strike you, men?"