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Trust, and wishing it otherwise, could not alter the fact. 'I must go, he told her. 'Keep the door shut and bolted until I return. This is a dangerous time. 'Why? I thought most of the predators were gone. 'There are always stragglers, and outcasts. They do well for a time, but with the coming of deep snow find they cannot hunt, or even retreat.

If there are no predators, rabbits will multiply until they starve." Murgatroyd said, "Chee!" as if complaining to himself. "Rats," said Calhoun somehow angrily, "have been known to do that on a derelict ship. There was a man named Malthus who said we humans would some day do the same thing. But we haven't. We've take over a galaxy.

That is not said to hurt you, and I begin to see that you are strong in other ways. It is only the truth. Here on the Island there is shelter from predators -there are no giant spiders or lizards -and you have the knowledge to bring food from the land without killing. My people have none of these things. 'We call ourselves the hill-tribe.

America must stand against the poisoned appeals of extreme nationalism. We must combat an unholy access of new threats from terrorists, international criminals and drug traffickers. These 21st century predators feed on technology and the free flow of information and ideas and people, and they will be all the more lethal if weapons of mass destruction fall into their hands.

I can only say they are not much like me. 'In what way? Finally she had something. 'They act more and think less. I think they are closer to the true predators than I. 'How do you mean? 'Well. Let me think how to say it. A pause. 'My name is Kalus, which stands for Carnivore, or Great Hunter. My father made it for me, hoping that such a name would give me strength.

Tossing the other stones back in the stream, he put the quartz in the pocket of his shorts and headed back for the clearing, picking up dry wood on the way. He found a gratifying number of animal traces as well, both trails and pawprints, and he hoped few of them were predators.

The first Ondrian colonists had thought the cloudcats unintelligent predators; why shouldn't the Traiti have assumed the same thing, or maybe decided they were pets? "Yes, they're intelligent. They can't talk; they use their tongues for gestural communication, and to handle things. They're outstanding artists, too."

'I feel more at peace in the Cold World. For there, if a man is strong, he can breathe the free wind unafraid. Only the hardiest predators remain, and among them is respect. 'What about your people? 'They will follow the herds, as they always do. 'Then how do you know what the winter is like? Or will you go with them? A hurt, disbelieving look came over him.

He began to think about how peculiar the world was with its interdependent members that made up units of one entire whole; and that interaction of one species with another was merely for the need to gain sustenance outside the unit, that the frenzied propagation of a species to ensure its continuum was kept in check by voracious predators; and that individual persons, considering it an enjoyable sport, incessantly tried not only to sustain themselves but also to thrive by hording avariciously or seeking pleasures gluttonously at the sake of others within the unit, striving for even more so as to think of themselves as successful in partaking of the good.

He stayed awake. It was amusing that he was uneasy about wild animals. There were predators in the Park, and he had only an improvised club for a weapon. But he knew well enough that most animals avoid man because of a bewildering sudden development of instinct. Grizzly bears, before the white man came, were so scornful of man that they could be considered the dominant species in North America.